
Ondrugs247 July 30, 2024 4:19 am

Joohyuk's character as an antagonist lacked a bit of depth, since the way MC and him are still on good terms doesnt digest well to me. Typically you would want to avoid anyone who has grilled you with that bs for a long run but i guess the way MC is a pushover makes up for that a little. But glad he stood up well in the end, though took him a bit while to get his thoughts collected which is in most cases. Otherwise it was beautiful, they are such an easy going couple, with no lingering toxic hard feelings only made possible cause of the cutest puppy ML i ve seen in a while. You cant hate in anyway ╥﹏╥ their relationship development was also wonderful, miscommunications were there but idk if erectile disfunction is really a part of miscommunication

    JUL August 13, 2024 8:25 am

    I wish the mc got revenge for the stolen designs

    Ondrugs247 August 13, 2024 12:08 pm
    I wish the mc got revenge for the stolen designs JUL

    Frr he should ve sued..he let go too easily...or prolly the author didnt want to drag it on or sth