Y'know. Both Heeryang and Yeonjo have been shaped by incredibly traumatic childhoods, and ...

octosis July 30, 2024 1:31 am

Y'know. Both Heeryang and Yeonjo have been shaped by incredibly traumatic childhoods, and while it'd be pretty damn hard to forgive the person who literally killed your family, I think maybe Yeonjo will eventually realise that there's one more person who deserves an equal portion of his hatred as the true reason for his family's deaths. Understanding Heeryang's circumstances might also soften his heart.

I find this story so fascinating, because of how perfect and yet awful these two are for each other. Heeryang knew from the start Yeonjo could be his downfall, but in the end he can't stay away. He craves both Yeonjo's lack of pretense when it comes to certain things, and also his warmth whether that too is a pretense or not.
But his reasonable suspicion combined with his nature makes it so that Yeonjo will always be a puppet struggling on his strings unitl one of them breaks the pretense in their game of playing lovers.

And obviously Yeonjo isn't a wise lover to have given that he literally wants to kill Heeryang, with good reason. And yet, he's also starting to fall for the comforts and simple pleasures that life with Heeryang provides him, and despite their terrible history and knowing better, Yeonjo probably also still admires him, as much as he doesn't want to admit it or that he might be growing fond of him.

Both of them are likely very starved for affection, but too hardened by their lives to realise it.

Since Heeryang is the one with the societal and physical power here, he may grow (more) complacent in the future. He may be content in his game of pretend with Yeonjo because he doesn't need things to change and he can remain secure in the fact that he is the one holding Yeonjo's leash. But Yeonjo on the other hand will be forced to face his failures and trials over and over, which will lead him to grow as a person. Their relationship will not be able to stay the same for the very simple reason that Yeonjo won't stay the same.

And whether that's a good or bad thing, we'll find out I guess. It could mean their relationship will change for the better, but it could just as likely end in tragedy.
