a little rant

here for the good stuff July 30, 2024 12:29 am

he’s the dumbest alpha partner I’ve ever seen in a story, I’m glad that Juheon accepted him after 7 YEARS (because I would never do it) but damn, how could he not ask him about the woman or about his host job… or even ask “who is the mother/father? when he told him about the pregnancy” like huhhh? like there’s hundreds of ways to ask the right questions like the miscommunication trope is the most stressful plot in stories I swear

    AMemory21 August 2, 2024 6:11 pm

    This is why I try to find novel and read it bc I know manhua/manga isn't going to have everything explained.
    He thought girl crushing on uke was who was pregnant and by time he could question, uke was gone.