Spoiler The new chapter it's out . Director Kang knows that the new guy is ga...

Anode July 29, 2024 5:44 pm


The new chapter it's out . Director Kang knows that the new guy is gay. Doyeon has treated his past lovers a bit harsh. He is a total player. He called Yiyoung and asked for him to go and pick him up. Yiyoung and director were talking on the phone, Doyeon called Yiyoung and Yiyoung asked director to wait because someone else was calling him. After he spoke with Doyeon he left the phone behind and he interrupted the call with director. Director Kang it's super pissed that Yiyoung went to Doyeon. Like he is so jealous and angry

    Duck July 30, 2024 3:55 am

    Hes not angry at yiyoung, he’s pissed at his past self for basically telling yiyoung it’s okay to leave him. My hope is that director kang will find them at the club (probs gay club) and find out that yiyoung is already well connected without having to date anyone because he just has that high of an EQ. Yiyoung seemed to know the club and had an idea of how the vibe was.