
Towa/ July 29, 2024 5:40 pm

Can anyone recommend any type of fiction (manga, manhwa, novel, book, anime, ect) where the *main plot* is a mc looking back/processing childhood memories that have come back to haunt/affect them in some way in their adulthood or teens. I'm actually desperate

    CherryTree July 29, 2024 5:43 pm

    Lost in The Cloud Season 2 _ i will have to think about it more. That's what comes to mind for now.

    friedwontons July 29, 2024 6:03 pm

    this is a weak recommendation bc the story hasn't rly gone anywhere yet but the fox club came to mind bc the MC always ends the arc with a tone that makes it feel like something bad is going to happen, like "looking back, that was a fun time in my life" smth like that