Bl Manga/Manhwa?
Not romance story, but the mc have a lot of tension going with someone for ...
I need help remembering a story
bl recs
Need some angst
im bored and curious
Story similar to unsleep
raise your hand if you cheat. amen. these tests are ass tho.
Looking for yaoi manhwa about the ml picking up the mc and taking care of him at his house. I think the ml is either an author or artist and the mc is still a student. The ml has either blonde or light colored hair and the mc has brown hair which is quite long so he likes to do a half up/down hairstyle. The mc develops feelings for the ml but the mc looking like the ml’s past lover he refuses to start a relationship. Out of desperation the mc suggest the ml to use the mc as a replacement for his past lover. This is all in colored btw, unsure if it started off as black and white as first and then transitioned to colored.