I was taken a bit aback at first, but in retrospect, it makes sense. Their last encounter was 3 years ago and everything happened too fast; they slept together and Hajime found out Hana was in love with him, only for Hana to immediately disappear, only to blast back into his life in the same "whirlwind" fashion. That means that Hajime has never had the opportunity to recognize (and much the less reconcile with) his feelings for Hana, because to begin with, he wasn't even sure if he had heard/understood Hana correctly (about Hana loving him). So first Hajime needs to know for sure if Hana does indeed love him, and then needs a bit of time to absorb it all in, understand his feelings for Hana to finally accept them without any doubts. They need time with each other and Hana has to grant Hajime that time, because if you think about it, he has never given Hajime the opportunity to reciprocate for fear of being rejected. He needs to take a risk and afford Hajime some trust. From this perspective, Hajime's reaction is logical.
idk I mean he has said he's been thinking about it all this time and then talks about how much his life is affected by it that he is basically only sexually attracted to him and he...just tried to kiss him then hit him when he was hesitant? Wtf...? Like....you don't do that. People can be flirty and sexy and then say they don't wanna do anything. While it isn't really a good idea, people have the right to say no if they decide they aren't comfortable after all. He tried to kiss him and initiate something then says he doesn't know what to do....Like I can understand him not being sure if he likes him/wants a relationship since they just reconnected after a long time but...boy....you must be joking. You try to initiate something and then say you don't have an answer? He was obviously and openly flirting with him....
You tell him to just admit he likes you...and when he does you're just like...oh well idk what to say...Are you kidding???? Clearly you knew and wanted him to say it so why do you suddenly not know how to answer, huh????