Major Kwak is a "toxic" ML? (major spoilers based on my 2 times read through of novel raw w web translation)

PrettyMenSupremacy July 29, 2024 3:47 am

Major Kwak saved Dr.Seok from getting kidnapped by the serpent twice

Major Kwak betrayed Rainbow city to protect Dr.Seok knowing the city would kill him if they found out about Dr. Seok's writings which could deem him a rebel.

Major Kwak hid Dr.Seok from the city after he got bitten by an adam because he refused to believe Dr.Seok would turn into an adam even treating Dr.Seok's fever himself.

When Dr. Seok's fever killed the adam virus, Major Kwak made sure to hide it from the higher ups so they wouldn't use Dr.Seok as a test subject or a political weapon.

Major Kwak ran headfirst into an adam infested highrise because he knew Dr.Seok was inside and was in danger.

When the city was having a huge adam outbreak, Major Kwak risked his life to get Dr.Seok to jeju Island, surviving a helicopter crash to get back to him.

Major Kwak abandoned his position as controller and officer to get Dr.Seok to Russia so he can develop a vaccine.

Major Kwak survived falling off a cliff in a Jeep with hand cuffs because he knew Dr.seok was waiting for him if he died then Dr. Seok would be sad. (and came back just in time to save dr.seok from getting killed by an officer)

When Major Kwak thought he was going to die and the military was trying to kill Dr.Seok for being the host of the new adam variant, the last thing he said to Dr.seok before helping him escape was to tell him to "live"

Of course Major Kwak didn't die because he knew if he died then Dr. Seok would be left alone.
"As long as SeokHwa is the host of the mutant Adam virus, it will not be able to return to the City. You won't be able to be with people. So I had to live. I'll be alive and beside him."

And despite suffering so many injuries, he still made his way back to Dr.Seok in Russia.
(Also Dr.seok was counting the days he lived without seeing Major Kwak)

I mean what I said when I said this novel was a hidden gem and deserves to be put on a pedestal.

    Don July 29, 2024 6:18 pm

    DAMN we need our own doctor kwak.

    coughee July 30, 2024 8:24 am

    wow what a man. however, can i know what does dr. seok do for major kwak? this can't look a little one sides huhu i need to know that they are both down for each other

    PrettyMenSupremacy July 30, 2024 8:41 am
    wow what a man. however, can i know what does dr. seok do for major kwak? this can't look a little one sides huhu i need to know that they are both down for each other coughee

    (You gotta keep in mind Dr.Seok’s body is weak af due to the experiments done on him)

    Yk that dick stone? Dr.Seok will use even a kumquat as a replacement as long as it came from Major Kwak.

    Here are some quotes:
    “"Do you really want to go and live in Udo? You saw the people there. Living a very peaceful and happy life.”
    " I don't like it without Major Kwak.””

    "The more stones, the better, but Major Kwak Soo-h wan is one. Stones can be replaced with other stones, but not Major Kwak."

    “Seokhwa unnaturally raised his arms, which were being pounding, and gently h ugged his head. Kwak Soo-hwan's body temperature seemed to soothe my body as always.”

    “Seokhwa replied insensitively to Choi Ho-eon, who said he would not listen to the answer.
    "Why? Are we a family?"
    "We are not a family. The only person in my family i s Major Kwak."”

    (After 152 days and they reunite again)
    “Seokhwa hugged him as he was crying. I touched his cheeks with the cold air of Russia and wrapped his body as hard as I could remember.“

    (Yes I had these as screenshots in my camera roll because HES SO FUCKING ADORABLE)

    PrettyMenSupremacy July 30, 2024 9:12 am
    wow what a man. however, can i know what does dr. seok do for major kwak? this can't look a little one sides huhu i need to know that they are both down for each other coughee

    Here are some more quotes:

    “I was able to meet him because I was alive, and he could come back to himself because he was alive.
    For Seokhwa, Kwak Soo-hwan, and for Kwak Soo-hwan, Seokhwa was the reason for survival.”

    “He was a genetic father and here was no emotional exchange at all, and Kwak Suhwan, who was sharing his body temperature with himself, was much more like a family. So I held Kwak Suhwan's hand even harder.”

    “With so many words, Seokhwa could truly believe that he was real. The stone flower also wrapped Kwak Soo-hwan's back. Under the thin shirt, a bumpy part was touched unlike before. Realizing it was a trace of a gunshot, he pressed his face further on his chest.”

    “"I've never talked to anyone. I'm talking to you for the first time since I came here, Major Kwak."” (Hes talking about the 152 days he’s been in Russia)

    Sometimes I would argue Dr.Seok is more obsessed with Major Kwak than he is of him also please ignore the shitty ass web translations ┗( T﹏T )┛

    coughee July 30, 2024 12:38 pm
    Here are some more quotes:“I was able to meet him because I was alive, and he could come back to himself because he was alive.For Seokhwa, Kwak Soo-hwan, and for Kwak Soo-hwan, Seokhwa was the reason for surv... PrettyMenSupremacy

    hahahahaha that's so cute. yeah they seem like all they ever think is each other i love itt. imma read the novel, im too impatient for this. thanks ლ(´ڡ`ლ)