
Royana July 28, 2024 8:30 pm

yall most of us hadn't liked taeju in the beginning, you don't have to mention it every time you make a comment about the recent chapters - like it's been 30+ chapters since his redemption has been active, we get it, we're all on the same page

    pennyinheaven July 29, 2024 5:00 am

    They can't move their butts from the 1st 20 chapters lol

    Urff July 31, 2024 10:18 am

    People still have the right to hate him tho. Redemption or not pretty sure its up to the readers bc its just fictional. We all have different views on heavy topics like r4pe which is understandable

    But “fictional” goes both ways. it doesnt mean ppl get to shit on people who like taeju like that one guy in the comments telling people to off themselves thats krazy