It's beyond even mindless porn literally nothing about it makes sense, no kink shaming here either do whatever you want as long as everyone is able to fully consent n shit but I mean NOTHING MAKES SENSE TO THE POINT IT DOESN'T EVEN SEEM LIKE PORN Reading it was like my type of dyslexic nightmare on bath salts, it was just a total fever dream I miss the person I was before this story

If the person can’t separate fiction from reality when it comes to pure porn, and they don’t realize that fiction porn is different from reality, something is wrong with them. I personally am weirded out by this but I also use it as fap material, but I’m aware that it’s not the same in reality. CH 3 is just non con, but it makes no sense cause the thoughts of the uke are weird, if this made sense—the uke wouldn’t be like: oh I have a cock of someone I don’t love inside me.
They’d be scared and thinking horribly, not erotically. So yeah this is fiction and pure porn, nothing to really think about, no plot, just sex.
CH 3 was cuckolding and I enjoyed it, but I don’t condone it nor do I think it’s how reality is.
Wow. I hated this more then words can describe Ay at least they can match each other's freak, props to you if you like this but personally this just ain't my cup of tea in the slightest. It just felt like some rape-y horrid take on bdsm written by a teenage girl(or an old ass adult in their 50's) who has no concept of consent, how to write even the most mindless smut, or anatomy on Wattpad.