From what I observed, the teacher wants to come off as “ a good teacher that all the students love” but in reality he doesn’t like dealing with the actual work of taking care of students. If some of his students don’t get along or cause problems/commotions his reputation would take a hit and he could get in trouble by other teachers, parents. and the principal for not taking care of his student properly. That’s why it was beneficial for him that Inusami did not want to tell her parents she got hit. (The audacity of the teacher to ask if “anything was wrong that caused her to break the class photo” was so irritating bc she literally just showed him why :/)
Honestly I think MC was tired of everything and was on the brink of crashing out so even forced to do small tasks that the teacher could easily do themselves is annoying.
thats true I see what you're saying. I suppose the mangaka is adding him to the list of more useless adults we shouldnt trust LMAO. Although I never really did trust him I was kinda just wondering why comments were calling him a pervert when he didnt actively pursue a student moreso he's gaslighting.
In the conference he clearly felt uncomfortable when he was touched by her, and maybe insami was playing the innocent victim went to the teacher first and started spinning the story on kurom? thats peobably why they already talked it out (still wrong of him to not ask for kuromis side and expect onky kuromi to apologize fs) either way why did he even ask inusami to not tell her parents that she got hit? whats there for him to gain bt doing that He's defo a lazy ass mf by putting all the work on kuromi, but it lowkey seemed just like normal class president things we see in all anime? (ex: asking them to check on a fellow student, collecting paperwork from other students, these types of things happen in student council animes allll the time ex: Horimiya LOL. nothing weird or different was rly asked of her from what we saw)