To the upset mfs who are still around.

Meruemshu July 28, 2024 9:52 am

1. Just because you are upset about something YOU take as racism because YOU are chronically online doesn't mean you're right, your skin color actually doesn't give you additional brain cells point, you are just like every human on this planet so stop acting like your word is law, sometimes you are wrong and paranoid, and this time is one of them.

2. Here is my copy past from another reply:

"The fact that the author depicts many forms of bullying as a means to denounce them and fight them in a country where they are still very much present, and you brain dead clowns from across the sea tried to cancel them for it says a lot about you.

Even when something is intended for you to benefit and defend your interests in a place that is incredibly racist, you dumbasses fail to recognize and honor your allies and make them scared of you.

You are utterly stupid and this is why nothing changes. "

3. Just like all humans from all skin colors, some black people are smart, some black people are average IQ, some black people have negative IQ. And clearly, the people who fail to see what I've just explained above have negative IQ.

To the negative IQs and ridiculous white knights:

I don't care if you dumbasses gang up on me because that's all you know how to do. You run your mouth about educating oneself all day while being the most ignorant clowns in the room.
You refuse to reflect on anything and you aren't people that can be resonated with. You are a bunch of idiots who of course can't tell they are. You try to find power in being chronically online and canceling things because you do nothing better in your life and you suck all thorough.
The only way forward for Humanity is if people like you, who are no better than racists and all the other plagues of humanity, are dismissed and ignored.

Therefore, as a member of society with a brain, I will not bother argue with you further. Cry, since you have time to waste.

    Tea July 28, 2024 10:45 am

    My brother in Christ, he still said the n word, people aren't dumb for getting upset, it's quite valid, if you like the story then keep reading, honestly don't think the author had a bad intention probably just didn't have that much knowledge, apologizing doesn't mean quick forgiveness, people have the right to be upset just how you have the right to keep reading

    Simi July 28, 2024 5:36 pm
    My brother in Christ, he still said the n word, people aren't dumb for getting upset, it's quite valid, if you like the story then keep reading, honestly don't think the author had a bad intention probably just... Tea

    But the author didn't personally say it , the characters were the once to say it and it was to show how people can be racist but people are attacking the author by saying he personally meant it . I don't understand the big deal about the N word like there are so many racist words out there that people like me or my country's ( I'm Indian and I'm dark skinned ) hear everyday but nobody says anything about it but when it comes to the N word it's like the whole world is against you with people who are not even from the black community .

    QuarterBreedSlumDogBillionaire July 29, 2024 12:52 am

    average koji nanjo stan

    IncestSupporterSnowbunnySlayer July 29, 2024 12:54 am

    ironically you have the biggest negative IQ because smart people are willing to see both sides. You're just spewing nonsense because you have an agenda.

    Meruemshu July 29, 2024 9:20 am
    ironically you have the biggest negative IQ because smart people are willing to see both sides. You're just spewing nonsense because you have an agenda. IncestSupporterSnowbunnySlayer

    whatever you say braindead fcktard go argue with a wall.

    Meruemshu July 29, 2024 9:26 am

    Anyway, I am done arguing here or anyhwhere about this tipic with negative IQ braindead endless victims who don't have the mental capacity to tell what's racism and what isn't.

    the only reason you want "only black people" to talk is beause smart black people don't have any problem because they have a brain to think, only the low-lives clowns like you would speak and be the embarrassing pieces of trash that you are.
    You are just a noisy minority among black people and can go fuck yourselves.

    No one cares how you feel.

    Simi July 30, 2024 2:08 pm
    Anyway, I am done arguing here or anyhwhere about this tipic with negative IQ braindead endless victims who don't have the mental capacity to tell what's racism and what isn't.the only reason you want "only bla... Meruemshu

    Ohh I see that throwing thousands of curse word will make you any more intelligent ? I get it Einstein thanks a lot (⌒▽⌒)

    Avisala August 2, 2024 2:49 pm
    My brother in Christ, he still said the n word, people aren't dumb for getting upset, it's quite valid, if you like the story then keep reading, honestly don't think the author had a bad intention probably just... Tea

    Precisely but it is getting tiring reading people commenting about the same thing again and again. I mean the story already got removed from Webtoon. And that chapter was like far gone now so what do these people want anyways? If they don’t like the story then they should stop reading it. This is the only site I can read the story now.

    Avisala August 2, 2024 2:56 pm
    But the author didn't personally say it , the characters were the once to say it and it was to show how people can be racist but people are attacking the author by saying he personally meant it . I don't unders... Simi

    My gosh! This is what I was trying to explain to someone from the comments. I mean I’m from asian too and belonged to what we call as people of colors and in the country where I live we usually use the N word as pet names, nicknames, endearment but I was called wrong in the head for using N word in such manner. But I explained that people here use that word in that manner. I mean I do get it that it depicts as racist word for the Black people but in some other countries it signifies and holds another meaning.

    Also you are right there are so many racist terms and even my kinds are getting hate in western countries but no one bats an eye and yet when it comes to N word people can get cancelled out.

    Meruemshu August 2, 2024 9:41 pm
    My gosh! This is what I was trying to explain to someone from the comments. I mean I’m from asian too and belonged to what we call as people of colors and in the country where I live we usually use the N word... Avisala

    Thats because Americans are self centered and believe the whole world should exist on their terms meanwhile they never respect anybody and are the most ignorant folks in the room. Also their schools' methods dont teach them critical thinking that's why they move in brainless mobs. Then there are the least intelligent or most rejected/bitter folks of each society that join them in their thinking, usually because they are uneducated or seek validation that they never got from their relatives.

    The best way to communicate with those dumbasses is silence or insult, they understand nothing else. Best of luck to you. Avoid them