The claim that certain relationships in manga are okay because it's japanese culture...

Sugarmoonpillowfight July 28, 2024 7:19 am


Yesterday I started watching this new Anime on Netflix named Rising Impact, made by the Mangaka of Seven Deadly Sins. Right in the beginning I had a terrible suspicion of a romance that the story wants to push between a 21 year old woman and a 3rd Grader. It started when the 21 year old's younger sister started making jokes about the 3rd grader being her sister's fiancee and so I went to ask people who read the manga only to find out that yes- in the future those two will marry. What makes this so problemtic isn't the age gap (though alo concering) It's the fact that this woman was his first instructor (in golf) and in the beginning of the story meant to be 'a mother figure'. How did this go through editing?

I went to reddit to talk about this topic but redditors are degenrats who came with the argument "It'S NoT ReaL WhY Are YoU ConcErNed Of SoMETHING tHAt IsN't real" along with the argument "yOu Are BeinG DisResPecFul To AnoThEr CulTuRe" Basically all the same arguments you get when talking about the issues with Lollies. Excuse me ? Yes it's a made up story and not real but it still portrays sommething highly problematic to a young audience and if a culture supports grooming than I also donn't support that culture?

    Innocent July 28, 2024 7:23 am

    I see japanese in here and I start to plan what is best thing to kill them


    PrettyMenSupremacy July 28, 2024 7:29 am
    I see japanese in here and I start to plan what is best thing to kill them IM HATER OF JAPANESE THEY ARE NO GOOD FUCK THEM I HOPE THEY DIE Innocent

    Woahhh calm down

    Huh July 28, 2024 7:30 am
    I see japanese in here and I start to plan what is best thing to kill them IM HATER OF JAPANESE THEY ARE NO GOOD FUCK THEM I HOPE THEY DIE Innocent

    yo bro chill

    Innocent July 28, 2024 7:31 am
    Woahhh calm down PrettyMenSupremacy

    Stop stalking meeeee

    randomm July 28, 2024 8:32 am

    WAIT NO PLS I WAS ENJOYING THAT ANIME. i thought it was weird with the jokes that she was his brother in law I MEAN GIRL U'RE THE SAME AGE and thought it was just jokes at the end of the day... but they actually get together????

    Kash July 28, 2024 8:47 am

    Yeah... Agree... Tho I ain't watched that..... But, I saw similar plots... So, I know where u r getting at..... And what's most amazing in whole scenario is the fact that some people r ok with it..... Just let them be and simply quit the anime cuz, u know there's no ending to it... Some/yuck people gonna love that.... And u can't help so save your energy..... I don't even get angry anymore, I just simply quit it....

    Dim July 28, 2024 8:50 am

    Personally that's not the Japanese culture that I know? I'm not from Japan, but I'm asian if that qualifies... I have an interest in Japanese culture and have dabbled in it for quite a while and let me just say, anything by the author of Seven Deadly Sins is probably not a reliable source to generalize the Japanese, and I mean this in the most respectful way I can to create an argument

    Point is, of course lolis are weird and people are getting too comfortable online with justifying pedophiliac behavior. I'm not with the redditors on how they say it's fiction-- while it is, it still exemplifies that at some point, people have become numb to the fact that children or children look-alikes are the target of the sexual gaze. In that case, that's just a generalization of chronically online hentai fans and not the Japanese themselves.

    Whoever justified problematic relationships under the pretense of "culture" should reconsider themselves and take a look at issues like child marriages to properly enlightem themselves of the implications of desensitizing themselves to real world issues.

    But uhm yeah, on another note, you should probably stop watching that specific media and change to one that ACTUALLY exemplifies Japanese culture

    Innocent July 28, 2024 8:53 am
    Personally that's not the Japanese culture that I know? I'm not from Japan, but I'm asian if that qualifies... I have an interest in Japanese culture and have dabbled in it for quite a while and let me just say... Dim

    Nah japanese people r weird

    Wanda July 28, 2024 9:07 am
    Nah japanese people r weird Innocent

    LMAO am I the only one who knows that this person is ragebaiting? I'm giggling and kicking feet watching y'all fall for ts. They've been ragebaiting for attention for weeks. They even dropped a question yesterday saying they're running out of ragebait ideas

    Innocent July 28, 2024 9:09 am
    LMAO am I the only one who knows that this person is ragebaiting? I'm giggling and kicking feet watching y'all fall for ts. They've been ragebaiting for attention for weeks. They even dropped a question yesterd... Wanda

    Nah this one ain't rage bait I ka hate Japanese people they r racist asf and rape machine

    Wanda July 28, 2024 9:15 am
    Nah this one ain't rage bait I ka hate Japanese people they r racist asf and rape machine Innocent

    Idc I don't judge a whole nationality based off of a few ppl in it ┐(´-`)┌ rapists are in every country

    Wanda July 28, 2024 9:15 am
    Nah this one ain't rage bait I ka hate Japanese people they r racist asf and rape machine Innocent
