I took some break from reading this but didn't FL literally want ML to have a baby with her and it was because of her tyrant brother? I also have the impression, especially in the newer chapters, that she is interested in ML and understands it more or less. Of course, she lacks the experience that is gained as a child and teenager, but I have the impression that apart from that, she has the maturity level of an adult. It is clear that she has some shortcomings or does not fully understand everything, but thanks to ML she has a chance to fill these gaps. And it's not easy, considering that she can only be herself when she's alone with ML, and most of the day she has to act like something between a puppy and a preschooler.
I am actually grateful that ML treats FL as an equal person who has the right to his own opinion. I have read too many novels where FL has no deficiencies in upbringing or intelligence and is still treated like a preschooler who is unable to decide what is good for him by ML/family/friends in the name of their love.
I completely agree with your opinion and I don't understand why people don't see that FL really understands what's going on, she just misinterprets things sometimes. But this is only happening because she has little experience in the normal world, fortunately ML DOESN'T TREAT HER LIKE A SENSELESS CHILD and therefore she will be able to quickly catch up.
I’m loving the story rn but I’ve seen people who don’t like this manhwa because of how it shows the fl’s behaviors similar to a child, but if you really understood her situation and how she got the trauma it would be reasonable. Especially with the way she chose to respond to it by acting the way she is, it’s the her only way of surviving and remember that she may be putting on an act but that doesn’t mean she should be able to act “smart and capable” behind all of it like the other fls that we were accustomed to. She has lived a sheltered life where she couldn’t fully explore things like intimacy, she thinks that consummating is her duty or is something she needs to do in order to escape death after being threatened for treason by that ahole of king. So people saying that the ml is disgusting for doing those acts with her obviously did not understand the situation their in and honestly him being patient and slowly letting her feel comfortable and used to it by kissing her first is actually such a green flag and remember they both are working on it togetherrrr, it’s not like she’s unaware of what’s happening. Anw I’m loving this story and the ml is a green flag btw, some people say he’s doing the bare minimum but girlie do you really think other mls would act like he does? really? When u be simping for literal red flags just bc they’re good looking T-T