Reading these chapters is like literally making me physically sick. That’s how disgustin...

... July 27, 2024 2:36 pm

Reading these chapters is like literally making me physically sick. That’s how disgusting this was. Like how the author is forcing situations and make these two a couple and how she just takes her fucking hand to run away. Seriously? Why the fuck would she give him sweet things because he likes them when she’s trying to push him away. Why the hell is she allowing him to be her escort anyway. You telling me the whole damn town doesn’t have one guard she can take along while she refuses to go with him was the festival so bloody important that she HAD to go even if it meant going with this guy? Her actions are literally pushing the boundaries of cheating and that’s something I really can’t stand.

    Toji’s gf August 5, 2024 10:40 am

    100% agree with you! And it pisses me off how she’s actively getting annoyed anytime she spots him yet goes up to him just to complain to him about him??? I’m not defending James or anything, I’m just trying to understand the stupidity of Olivia, because why are you going to him when you DON’T want to be near him??? And then suddenly pitying him and giving him stuff as if she wasn’t miserable because of James. Like Olivia swore she didn’t even want to breathe the same air as him but now we’re getting some kind of redemption arc? Meanwhile Ian is going through it because Olivia can’t communicate for shit??? This is so going downhill and I’m extremely disappointed.

    ... August 5, 2024 11:19 am
    100% agree with you! And it pisses me off how she’s actively getting annoyed anytime she spots him yet goes up to him just to complain to him about him??? I’m not defending James or anything, I’m just try... Toji’s gf

    Exactly! Very disappointing.