
Yve July 27, 2024 2:34 am

I don’t get what people find so interesting or enjoyable about this. This has to be one of the most boring manhwa I’ve ever read. There’s absolutely no redeeming characters in this. Every character that I’ve read about in the 30 chapters I’ve read so far have been assholes.

    skycry724 July 27, 2024 4:04 pm

    I just skipped to the middle/end instead of reading the beginning.

    MY KINK IS KARMA July 28, 2024 9:51 am

    I like this one tho! Compared to other typical power struggle BL manhwa. I like this that the higher ups didn’t get to be imprisoned. Usually power struggle plot tend to make everyone go to jail by the end. Probably it’s boring for you since both ML and MC are anti-romantic type. But I like it it’s a refreshing take on a practical rather than idealized, transactional and circumstantial relationship.

    QueenChan July 28, 2024 8:26 pm

    I thought it was very dry to so far. And the chemistry between lawyer and chairman is minimal. The sexy scenes are the only interesting thing up to this point. I kind of want to spoil myself with the r15 for what is in the safe, but I know I will be bored af after that.