erm yeah

joufflues July 26, 2024 11:14 pm

i dont have the heart to read this again, and my memory is FAILING on what in particular he did wrong to her, like, i remember even at one point leaving a comment that was like "i wish she could just die" (NOT in a hateful way, in a sympathetic way (maybe that was another manhwa)), but i dont actually remember what in particular he actually did to her besides neglect and isolate her, and also kill her cartoonishly evil father.

so all i remember right now is his entire life, and im like, NOT on his side, dont get me wrong, but i see all the comments saying "fuck him" "your sob story doesnt matter" "this made me hate him more", but, tbh, this made me like him a little?? obviously hes mentally unstable, but this made me more like "ok true, relatable" for his points (minus marrying her, he shouldve sought out help, not a spouse).

Can anyone in the replies give me a quick refresh on why this literally shitty, awful, i-would-rather-die-than-experience backstory/childhood combo is making people hate him rather than be a bit more sympathetic or at least understanding of him as a character??

    melvs July 26, 2024 11:33 pm

    I’m guessing it’s because he punished an innocent woman for her father’s wrongdoings.

    Lamster July 27, 2024 12:39 am

    I mean, he physically and mentally broke her because of his own selfish obsession and insecurities so I can see why many don't sympathize with him. I'm just glad it at least gave him reason? Not valid but 'a' reason.

    Doley July 29, 2024 5:27 am

    Neglect IS abuse. Isolation IS abuse. Idk what you mean by 'What else did he do except neglect and isolation'.... what else did you want him to do? Is this not enough hate him? Tbh, the fl wanting to die is not just because of the ml. She is hated in the entire capital by everyone and has no one to rely on, not even her husband. The shift from priviledged and sheltered to hated and scorned was quick and it clearly affected her mentally. So, here is a quick background of what the ml did. He knew Fl's family was gone. He knew she was ignorant but innocent but he still blamed her for being a noble, something that she did not have a choice in. He knew people's criticisms and hatred of her was making her feel guilty and he deliberately reminded her again and again of her noble status. He knew she loved him and craved to restore their relationship to the way it was before. He would accept her when she threw herself at him but then immediately turn around and tell her that he doesn't love her.. in fact he hates her and their entire relationship was a lie. It was never real. He knew she had no one else but him but he neglected her. Even when she had just one person reach out to her, he withheld the letters and isolated her. He wanted her to have no one to rely on. The fact that she had to sell her jewellery in order to prepare a donation and when he saw her donation slip and wondered where she would have gotten the funds because she can't get employed.... it is clear he did not give her much support financially except for basic needs. She was surrounded by hate and the ml loved to remind the fl that he hated her. He pushed and pushed..... her mentality slowly broke until she was so depressed that she turned to suicide. He did not physically abuse her or r**** her. But he mentally tortured her.