this has rape in it… and?

velocity July 26, 2024 2:36 pm

people bitching about every bl having rape and sa clearly forgot they have the choice to just not read such things. there are tons of bls that don’t have any rape or sa, and are wholesome, or can be even on a darker side yet still have consensual and respectful relationship between the main couple, so when there’s a story that starts with rape and is clearly about sexual abuse, why bother and read it if it’s not your cup of tea? even the cover was such a huge indicator of what the story was going to be about. at this point y’all are doing it to yourself on purpose. if you really want to waste your energy on saying how there’s rape everywhere, you should at least go for some webtoons that have sa but never address it and brush it off because the main couple need to end up together with their happily ever after, and addressing the noncon by the author would ruin all of that. at least this story doesn’t promise their relationship is going to pretend to be healthy and happy, when the mc is clearly not in his right mind by the end of it. i understand discussing the plot in general or whether the ending was good or not, but saying the story is trash just because it has rape in it? just hit the back button in your browser or close the tab and get out if it’s not something you fw.

    Cursed with Cunt Boy Disease. July 26, 2024 2:53 pm

    Yeah I mean I think it's fair to complain about how prevalent abuse is in BLs as well as complain about stories that justify/romanticize rape, but this story was very obviously just gonna be rape porn. Like why are you complaining about it it's pretty obvious what it was gonna be but you so choose to read it lol

    Seph July 26, 2024 3:05 pm

    A lot of people’s complaints come from the fact it has become such a norm to create manhwa like this or even include it in a story where it’s not needed.

    For me, a story like this one seems quite redundant because it panders to those who enjoy rape but again why try to pass it off as such a normal thing to write? Rape isn’t a morally good thing to do or even write about so recklessly without no substance so people are for sure gonna complain.

    I believe if the story was maybe written better and had a good theme and direction it sure wouldn’t get so many negative reviews compared to positive reviews but this story just turns into another rape porn manhwa

    velocity July 26, 2024 3:13 pm
    Yeah I mean I think it's fair to complain about how prevalent abuse is in BLs as well as complain about stories that justify/romanticize rape, but this story was very obviously just gonna be rape porn. Like why... Cursed with Cunt Boy Disease.

    my only complaint with bls that have sexual abuse is when they don’t address it and the abused character just accepts the abuse without any deeper psychological issues, as if it was the most normal way to have sex, only just a little more rough. and it’s not even the fact that there are stories that do that, but that there are soooo many of them and they barely have any plot, instead relying on sex scenes (that sometimes can’t even pass as dubcon) every three chapters. i don’t see anything wrong with showing abuse in bls but if the only plot is going to be abuse (that’s never even gonna be addressed) and the characters are gonna be bland as hell and just another version of the same well-established stereotypes (seme is aggressive, uke is helpless), then it just gets boring over time. there are so many ways of showing and exploring abuse and abusive relationships, and it doesn’t even have to have a happy ending. but i guess some authors want to rely on some formulaic plot points instead of coming up with something actually creative.

    velocity July 26, 2024 5:29 pm
    A lot of people’s complaints come from the fact it has become such a norm to create manhwa like this or even include it in a story where it’s not needed. For me, a story like this one seems quite redundant ... Seph

    just because someone writes a story about rape doesn’t mean they’re trying to “pass it off as such a normal thing to write”. as long as it has proper warnings, anyone can write about literally whatever they want. writing about something doesn’t equal endorsing it or treating it like a “normal thing” lol. and of course rape isn’t a morally good thing to do, but so is murder yet no one complains when there are people killed in fiction. i agree that it’d be nice to address something as rape in a story that actually contains it (and this webtoon clearly doesn’t treat it as anything else) but at the end of the day, it’s fiction and anyone can write about the things they want, as well as anyone can complain about it. and what’s so wrong about this story pandering to people who enjoy seeing rape in fiction? as long as it’s only in fiction, then i really don’t see a problem in it, and i’m one of these people too. it was clearly a story written as porn with rape kink and i don’t think it tried to be anything else or more. i believe there’s place for stories that take rape seriously and try to show how damaging it is to a victim, but also for stories that treat it as nothing more but porn material, because yes, even rape victims can enjoy the latter, too.

    BIRDMAN July 26, 2024 11:53 pm
    just because someone writes a story about rape doesn’t mean they’re trying to “pass it off as such a normal thing to write”. as long as it has proper warnings, anyone can write about literally whatever ... velocity

    (just because someone writes a story about rape doesn’t mean they’re trying to “pass it off as such a normal thing to write”.)
    Cause its already been normalized??? This is a common porn trope so it didnt bother me to read it but i was more intrested in the art.

    (but at the end of the day, it’s fiction and anyone can write about the things they want)
    soooo people writing about children in these situations are fine to you? Cause that is a thing even on this site, even with it being illegal. Fiction does infact affect some peoples reality and being so desensitized to these things isnt a nat positive.

    Also you cant compare fake sa to fake murder??? They dont share the same connotations, and alot more people know what sa is like in reality than it is to be murdered. And people do complain about fictional murders/murderers so idk wym.

    Maristopper July 26, 2024 11:53 pm
    just because someone writes a story about rape doesn’t mean they’re trying to “pass it off as such a normal thing to write”. as long as it has proper warnings, anyone can write about literally whatever ... velocity

    Bud basically every bl manhwa has rape and like 1% and if we were to go by your logic if child pornography is portrayed in some kind of fictional story you’re basically stating that it’s okay to like it as long as it’s fictional?

    Maristopper July 26, 2024 11:59 pm
    (just because someone writes a story about rape doesn’t mean they’re trying to “pass it off as such a normal thing to write”.) Cause its already been normalized??? This is a common porn trope so it d... BIRDMAN

    rightttt ppl nowadays really ain’t afraid to say they enjoy rape it’s so disgusting.

    Riva_phoneix July 27, 2024 1:06 am

    Because these dumbass authors never expand on the effects of rape, if you’re going to include SA in your plot don’t just plonk in there with no rhyme or reason otherwise it serves no purpose explain why it’s happening, the effects both physically and mentally why is rape is such a huge thing in BL but they never show a torn ass hole bleeding? Because it’s a cheap trick to romanticize rape. And unlike some i like my plots to have actions that actually are well thought out. Look at a perfect example of a rape scene impacting characters in a way that drives the plot with purpose walk on water vs lets say jinx which is just a useless BL with dubcon sex that serves no purpose other than both characters being one dimensional and stupid and the author just wanting to draw violent sex just because its easy and sells.

    Seph July 27, 2024 1:21 am
    Because these dumbass authors never expand on the effects of rape, if you’re going to include SA in your plot don’t just plonk in there with no rhyme or reason otherwise it serves no purpose explain why it�... Riva_phoneix

    This is exactly what I’m saying. Part of why it so much more annoying now to see rape included in manhwa now is the fact that it really serve no purpose. Like they not making it apart of the story plot and develop on it they’re like "well x character rape x character and moving on". It so dismissive and pandering like you said.

    Minkmink July 27, 2024 1:52 am

    Fr like u can choose ur own thing they made the book so it’s there’s

    velocity July 28, 2024 11:32 am
    (just because someone writes a story about rape doesn’t mean they’re trying to “pass it off as such a normal thing to write”.) Cause its already been normalized??? This is a common porn trope so it d... BIRDMAN

    simply writing about any topic isn’t illegal. you can argue about morality of such things, but as far as i know, you can write about anything you want, so yes, even cp, and it won’t be illegal, because it’s fiction. producing sexual images of underage fictional characters is actually illegal in some countries, but in others it is perfectly okay and you won’t be punished because they’re fictional. so it’s not just “illegal” and that’s it, it depends on what country you’re from. it’s illegal in south korea but it’s legal in japan. again, you can argue about morality of doing such things, but legality of them is a different thing. and i’m not saying that fiction doesn’t affect reality in any way, but if you’re a healthy adult with a developed brain, you most likely are able to separate fiction from reality. and if you’re not, then you simply shouldn’t read such heavy things. as long as there are proper warnings, engaging with such content is always the reader’s responsibility. and they always have the possibility to just stop reading.
    of course people in real life would know how it is to be sa’d rather than murdered, lol. i don’t think there’s a single living person who knows how it is to be murdered. but that makes murder so much worse in real life. maybe they aren’t comparable one to one in fiction but i still don’t see the reason why murder can be so prevalent in fictitious works, while sa can’t. again, you can argue whether the trauma after sa is depicted “properly” or not, and you can criticize it however you want, but saying that simply depicting sa in fiction is equal to “normalizing” it is just stupid. but you’re entitled to your own opinion.

    BIRDMAN July 29, 2024 3:45 am
    simply writing about any topic isn’t illegal. you can argue about morality of such things, but as far as i know, you can write about anything you want, so yes, even cp, and it won’t be illegal, because it�... velocity

    I didnt say depicting sa in fiction is equal to normalizing, its already been normalized, which is why unhealthy relationships are so commonly depicted in fiction and non fiction. Especially queer fiction here but thats alot thanks to fetishization.

    Which brings me to your bio cause wtf "fetishize normalize romanticize traumatize never apologize" take some time off this website perhaps.

    velocity July 29, 2024 8:08 am
    I didnt say depicting sa in fiction is equal to normalizing, its already been normalized, which is why unhealthy relationships are so commonly depicted in fiction and non fiction. Especially queer fiction here ... BIRDMAN

    not gonna waste my time on arguing with you anymore because you won’t change my opinion and i won’t change yours. have a nice day or whatever

    BIRDMAN August 2, 2024 9:01 am
    not gonna waste my time on arguing with you anymore because you won’t change my opinion and i won’t change yours. have a nice day or whatever velocity

    *shits* *howls*