I'm soooooooo interested in seeing how mingwa is going to convince readers that jaekying d...

Ace July 26, 2024 11:09 am

I'm soooooooo interested in seeing how mingwa is going to convince readers that jaekying deserves to be forgiven and should be the end game for dan. Coz most same readers know this is wayyyy out of the hands of the author now and I wanna see what will make us agree that he deserves any redemption

    Shiki July 26, 2024 1:33 pm

    Did u read BJ Alex? Did u hate the semester at start? And then forgot everything and start liking him... Well, not a secret, you'll like JK soon

    Shiki July 26, 2024 1:33 pm


    egojn July 26, 2024 1:39 pm

    Maybe he'll get a tragic backstory if he hasn't already (I don't remember if we've got any info on that yet lol)

    Bakuhoe July 26, 2024 6:43 pm

    She'll put a tragic backstory for jjk. Dan still won't go back to him. Then he'll be xtra nice and cute to him. Add some emotional scene and one fuck and boom they're back together.
    -script of bj alex

    Ace July 26, 2024 6:57 pm
    Did u read BJ Alex? Did u hate the semester at start? And then forgot everything and start liking him... Well, not a secret, you'll like JK soon Shiki

    There's no way anyone thinks jiwon and jaekying are the same level of assholes. No fricking way. If jiwon is level 10 on that scale, jaekying is atleast a 1000. Jiwon was redeemable since the starting. Jaekyung hasn't been redeemable for one fucking second of this story. Not even with a tragic backstory. Only dick rider low IQ girlies are gonna accept his redemption arc coz ain't no way he deserves any forgiveness.

    loveya x July 26, 2024 7:45 pm
    Maybe he'll get a tragic backstory if he hasn't already (I don't remember if we've got any info on that yet lol) egojn

    He does remember when that fighter said to him I remember how you was as a kid a little b word or something like that

    slay July 26, 2024 9:29 pm
    Did u read BJ Alex? Did u hate the semester at start? And then forgot everything and start liking him... Well, not a secret, you'll like JK soon Shiki

    u did not just compare jiwon … to JAEKYUNG ?

    YourMochi July 26, 2024 10:53 pm
    Did u read BJ Alex? Did u hate the semester at start? And then forgot everything and start liking him... Well, not a secret, you'll like JK soon Shiki

    Bj Alex was normal ?? Jiwon wasn't bad he was just toxic cause of his past that's a normal thing that can happen

    YourMochi July 26, 2024 10:56 pm
    There's no way anyone thinks jiwon and jaekying are the same level of assholes. No fricking way. If jiwon is level 10 on that scale, jaekying is atleast a 1000. Jiwon was redeemable since the starting. Jaekyung... Ace

    Just say your idiot....Jeakyung is a jerk and all but he was clear at the beginning and Dan accept the offer cause he needed the money he could as well don't accept it and leave no one's gonna do charity and pay someone's strangers bills

    Shiki July 26, 2024 11:34 pm
    u did not just compare jiwon … to JAEKYUNG ? slay

    Ye why, I don't see any difference. Jiwon had no mercy at start, JK helped uke even if it was for his own benefits

    slay July 26, 2024 11:41 pm
    Ye why, I don't see any difference. Jiwon had no mercy at start, JK helped uke even if it was for his own benefits Shiki

    except jaekyung is a sociopath abusive rapist. something jiwon is not. oh and jaekyung was financially abusing dan but whatever

    YourMochi July 26, 2024 11:58 pm
    Ye why, I don't see any difference. Jiwon had no mercy at start, JK helped uke even if it was for his own benefits Shiki

    Mercy at what ? Your delusional

    Persistent Quill July 27, 2024 1:33 am
    There's no way anyone thinks jiwon and jaekying are the same level of assholes. No fricking way. If jiwon is level 10 on that scale, jaekying is atleast a 1000. Jiwon was redeemable since the starting. Jaekyung... Ace

    I think there might be a misunderstanding here. It’s important to distinguish between different levels of character flaws and their potential for redemption. Comparing Jaekyung to Jiwon isn’t entirely accurate to how I read Shiki’s comments. If we consider a scale of 1 to 10 for problematic behavior, Jiwon might be around a 2, while Jaekyung could be closer to a 4. This doesn’t mean Jaekyung is irredeemable—just that he’s not on the same level of severity as Jiwon.

    There are worst seme who have been redeemed. Jaekyung is nothing compared to some of them.

    It’s worth noting that many characters who start off with significant flaws can and do undergo meaningful redemption arcs. For instance, characters like Jiwon and others in similar narratives have shown growth and change. Jaekyung, despite his flaws and abusive tendencies, could also follow a path of development that resonates with readers as Mingwa has suggested it will happen. The key is how well this arc is executed and how the author addresses these issues.

    Also, it’s important to engage in discussions about character development respectfully. Dismissing other readers’ opinions with derogatory terms doesn’t contribute to a constructive dialogue. Critiquing a character’s actions is valid, but personal attacks and assumptions about readers’ intelligence don’t help anyone understand different perspectives better. I find your ad hominem unredemble but using that ad hominem to attack people who understand the truth shows everyone you know you are wrong. If you were confident you wouldn’t attack people who are different from you.

    Anyways, everyone has different thresholds for what makes a character redeemable or not, and that diversity of opinion is what makes discussions about such stories interesting. If the redemption arc is handled thoughtfully, even characters who start off as problematic can become compelling and relatable.

    Persistent Quill July 27, 2024 1:37 am

    Shiki and Slay.

    I think there’s some confusion about the terms and the characters' behaviors. Let’s unpack this a bit.

    Firstly, regarding Jiwon and Jaekyung: Jiwon’s behavior at the start of BJ Alex may have been harsh or ruthless, but calling it “mercy” might not be the best term. I think I understand what Shiki means.
    He was indeed cruel, but not in the same way as Jaekyung. Jaekyung’s actions in Jinx are more complex and troubling, and it’s crucial to differentiate the nature of their behaviors.

    Slay. it’s important to use accurate terms when discussing sensitive topics. While Jaekyung’s behavior is problematic and abusive, the term "sociopath" and "rapist" might not be fully accurate without proper context. Legally, Jaekyung’s behavior could be categorized as sexual assault rather than rape, depending on the specifics of consent and the legal definitions applied. It’s key to recognize the difference between emotional and financial exploitation versus direct physical abuse.

    Jaekyung asking for money or other benefits in exchange for sexual favors isn’t necessarily financial abuse in the legal sense. It might be ethically and emotionally exploitative, but financial abuse typically involves more coercive or deceitful control over a person’s finances. However, the power dynamics and manipulation involved in Jaekyung’s actions are undeniably troubling and can be seen as forms of emotional and psychological abuse.

    The important part is to discuss these issues clearly and respectfully. Recognizing the nuances helps in understanding the character’s actions without downplaying the severity of the abuse depicted. This allows for a more informed and constructive discussion about the narrative and character development

    Persistent Quill July 27, 2024 1:45 am
    Mercy at what ? Your delusional YourMochi

    No. They are not delusional. It’s important to consider sometimes people might not use the most precise terms to express their thoughts, especially if they are using another language instead of their native language.
    They were talking about how Jiwon was at the beginning and to them that could be their perspective on the term “mercy”. Not everyone will always express themselves in the most accurate way. I don’t.
    It could be more productive to consider what they were trying to address and convey.
    Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes in how they describe things. If we try to understand the intent or their meanings then maybe we can have more constructive discussions.

    frog_mcgee July 27, 2024 12:29 pm
    Did u read BJ Alex? Did u hate the semester at start? And then forgot everything and start liking him... Well, not a secret, you'll like JK soon Shiki

    the difference between jk and the seme from bj alex is that the seme isn't a rapist who extorts his weak and desperate victim for sex in exchange for money his character was easily redeemable compared to jk

    YourMochi July 27, 2024 1:17 pm
    No. They are not delusional. It’s important to consider sometimes people might not use the most precise terms to express their thoughts, especially if they are using another language instead of their native l... Persistent Quill

    English isn't my native language but If I write something at least it will make sense and I hate when they accusing a character ignoring what's really happening and just make it so it looks they are right

    Green Leaf July 27, 2024 3:46 pm
    the difference between jk and the seme from bj alex is that the seme isn't a rapist who extorts his weak and desperate victim for sex in exchange for money his character was easily redeemable compared to jk frog_mcgee

    Jiwon is a rapist who extorts his weak and desperate victim for sex in exchange for money?? How is his character easily redeemable compared to jk..

    What you are describing does not fit to either story or seme. Go up a few comments " Persistent Quill July 27, 2024 1:37 am"
    It starts with

    "Shiki and Slay."

    Jaekyung is not a rapist. He never extorts Dan. What story are you reading?
    No this is not "defending" Jaekyung. It is exposing your lies with the real story.

    Green Leaf July 27, 2024 3:48 pm
    English isn't my native language but If I write something at least it will make sense and I hate when they accusing a character ignoring what's really happening and just make it so it looks they are right YourMochi

    You could be right. I hope Shiki will explain what they meant. Persistent Quill looks for the good in people and giving Shiki the benefit of the doubt (hopinin that is not how you took it but rather using the wrong word.)

    Shiki July 27, 2024 5:52 pm
    English isn't my native language but If I write something at least it will make sense and I hate when they accusing a character ignoring what's really happening and just make it so it looks they are right YourMochi

    "Accuse a character*? Yes english isn't your native language, so is mine. But this is not a language problem, it's just stupidity.