
Pongesponge July 26, 2024 10:58 am

alrighty everyone I'm up to vol 4 chapter 2
and I'm gonna be so real I just can't
I can't read this anymore
I'm not trying to be a hater or anything, it's just my personal opinion, and you wouldn't be wrong for enjoying this
but I personally just couldn't read it
Ok first of all he's literally homophobic
it's hard enough to read it when society's homophobic regularly, but for the uke to be homophobic? Blatantly, unironically, completely seriously homophobic.
Like as someone that's experienced homophobia, it's just hard to read his literal hate speech about queer people ALL THE TIME
Like the first time it's like "haha gag funny he's homophobic and gay whatever"
but like every chapter?? "you homos" "it's disgusting" GENUINELY wanting to go to america just because america legalised gay marriage? that's just weird and hateful.
Secondly!!!!!!! Literally assault??
like the con is so dub I'm having trouble even considering it con
I get that the uke is tsundere and there's the whole weird thing about if he really wants it or not and he can be blackmailed 'because it's him' but hello??????
I can't imagine liking someone so much only to assault them.
Again, it's just hard to read when the uke is just constantly begging for him to stop and saying no all the time.

I'm sure it gets cute eventually, and again this is just my opinion, but grrrr this is just a hard read.

    ChibiChii July 28, 2024 12:42 pm

    Can’t blame you on how EXTREMELY ROCKY this manga started. If I read this book I would've agreed with you on how this is tolerating sensitive topics that…really shouldn’t be glorified or as if it were nothing.

    I can’t even try to defend this manga and I won’t try (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    A lot of BL mangas during these times focused on such topics for some reason, so it was unfortunately the norm. Despite knowing how bad it was going to be, I’ll give you props for trying to read and understand the odd liking for this book ^^’

    Pongesponge July 28, 2024 12:53 pm
    Can’t blame you on how EXTREMELY ROCKY this manga started. If I read this book I would've agreed with you on how this is tolerating sensitive topics that…really shouldn’t be glorified or as if it were not... ChibiChii

    no yeah I get it'll get cute at the end and whatnot, and I know it was probably more socially acceptable to joke about that kind of thing literally 20 years ago, but it was just a struggle lol

    User82737393729 September 3, 2024 5:54 pm
    no yeah I get it'll get cute at the end and whatnot, and I know it was probably more socially acceptable to joke about that kind of thing literally 20 years ago, but it was just a struggle lol Pongesponge

    I completely understand not being comfortable with this series. I'd thought I'd mention that his homophobia stems from him being sexually assaulted by a male professor in the prequel manga challengers.

    As far as going to America, he doesn't trust his brother’s fiance because his thinks kurokawa (the partner) who's in his 30s Is taking advantage of his young brother tomoe who is 18ish. Not that any of this is an excuse, just wanted to explain.

    As for senpai always saying no, it turns out it's quite common in Japan to be more indirect during sexual stuff because of their culture around sex being taboo (i may not be explaining this part the best so feel free to disregard). It's hard to explain but I agree it gets tiring to see. The first two sexual encounters between senpai and Morinaga were SA but after that it was consensual (by senpais reasoning)

    This certainly isn't an easy read for new readers which is why the bulk of us got into while we were much younger so we kinda grew up with this lol. I imagine I wouldn't be able to read it if I just found it as well

    Pongesponge September 5, 2024 11:18 pm
    I completely understand not being comfortable with this series. I'd thought I'd mention that his homophobia stems from him being sexually assaulted by a male professor in the prequel manga challengers. As far a... User82737393729

    oh word I didn't have that context I haven't read the prequel lmao
    ty for telling me king I appreciate it