interresting, being a french speaker i do not know about prostitution and little ashes, but i most certainly will search.
i think pretty woman was described as a modern version of cinderella
I also think it's sad to read this tittle and battle about the "purity" of a character being dependant on his/her sexual practice. We do carry a serious bias there, it would be nice to explore it (and change it someday) :)

sorry I didn't make myself clear, I meant in the original "cinderella" - which is a French story- the name refers to ashen-ed Ella or "little ashes" , and I just meant the symbolism in this manga may mean she will burn (not that she will but that some might think she deserves to or that if you "play with fire you get burnt") to ashes because of immorality [not that I'm saying this is set in stone, just speculating because of some world views on sexual freedom and STDs etc.] . I did not mean to link the original direct meaning of prostitution to Cinderella.
ok stop using the name cinderella, whenever I heard she say I become a cinderella it makes me sick, cinderella word is something a pure girl will use (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸