2 cents

stololok July 26, 2024 9:24 am

just my 2 cents, plot is fucking boring. same old story. no twist, no development. NOTHING. i’m not even sure the point of this story. rape then mc shines intellectually, then another fucking rape. hero comes but hero is dumb as fuck. at the end, it’s just one big boring circle.

    Justme July 27, 2024 11:37 am

    Yall read with your asses at this point , you hate it cause it feels real. Cause his trauma isnt sugarcoated, its raw. You see it all. And yet you fail to understand his pain and how it shaped him. How they are all struggling, cause it isnt easy. And they have their happy ending, you can literally just not read it anymore. You sound like u hate it.

    stololok July 27, 2024 1:30 pm
    Yall read with your asses at this point , you hate it cause it feels real. Cause his trauma isnt sugarcoated, its raw. You see it all. And yet you fail to understand his pain and how it shaped him. How they are... Justme

    i don’t hate it. at this point, the plot sucks so bad i can’t even hate it. CAUSE THE PLOT SUCKS and it’s the same damn thing over and over again. you like reading shit about mc in pain and traumatised and just that? no character development? stop being so fucking defensive for FICTION. i’m criticising the story progress as a reader dumbass

    ChickenButt July 27, 2024 5:02 pm
    Yall read with your asses at this point , you hate it cause it feels real. Cause his trauma isnt sugarcoated, its raw. You see it all. And yet you fail to understand his pain and how it shaped him. How they are... Justme

    It’s the fact that it’s repetitive. OP didn’t say anything about the trauma or the characters, not directly anyways. It’s what it is, rape after rape, little to no development and MC is still stuck in the hole hell. Seeing rape after rape is something to hate.

    ChickenButt July 27, 2024 5:10 pm
    Yall read with your asses at this point , you hate it cause it feels real. Cause his trauma isnt sugarcoated, its raw. You see it all. And yet you fail to understand his pain and how it shaped him. How they are... Justme

    Also I don’t mean to sound harsh so I apologize beforehand! If there was another season, maybe I wouldn’t find it so weird. Half the story or nearly all is full of rape scenes and little to no development, and the ML being dragged into this because he wants to save MC.

    The MC also implied he could’ve left if he wanted to, but he chose not to. I forgot why. It’s not easy to leave, but I’m not sure if he’s even trying to leave/I just don’t remember. I think he’s trying to get back at the rapists, but he’s being raped while at his plan. It can be frustrating to see and that’s why it’s realistic.

    I don’t believe it’s a trash story…but it’s repetitive scenes. Trauma can be shown in clips, it doesn’t have to be shown graphically (and that’s probably why some hate it, I don’t mind either ways too much).

    stololok July 27, 2024 7:20 pm
    Also I don’t mean to sound harsh so I apologize beforehand! If there was another season, maybe I wouldn’t find it so weird. Half the story or nearly all is full of rape scenes and little to no development, ... ChickenButt

    thank you!! ml knows the situation mc is in. ml also knows the people mc is surrounded with people who are above his authority. still ml thinks that love & sincerity can get mc out of the shithole he’s in??? let’s not forget these characters are fully grown adult. after college adult. coming to their 30s. you’re telling me that these two don’t have the capacity to analyse and plan an escape? this is not about their trauma. this is about the lack of development. stop trying to force this story to be relatable.

    MilkTeaAddict July 28, 2024 1:52 pm
    Yall read with your asses at this point , you hate it cause it feels real. Cause his trauma isnt sugarcoated, its raw. You see it all. And yet you fail to understand his pain and how it shaped him. How they are... Justme

    Just because you can understand a character does not mean it's real or reality. His character have flaws but we don't have to be nice about it. Just because he suffered does not mean he has the rights to drag a person down (Wooyeon)

    Justme July 29, 2024 8:57 pm
    It’s the fact that it’s repetitive. OP didn’t say anything about the trauma or the characters, not directly anyways. It’s what it is, rape after rape, little to no development and MC is still stuck in t... ChickenButt

    Well he was kidnapped and prostituted, he was dehumanized. It was his life and still is. There is so much more to the manhwa. There is so much more to his character, his past, his feelings, his need for revenge and his pain. Wooyeon lost his job, went to meet that disgusting pimp, risking his life. Eventually it gets better. But a lot happens. It just really triggers me when people reduce his character to just his heartwrenching fate. He is stuck in hell. Wooyeon for long was his reason to hold on. Is it repetive, ofc, would he be able to escape that easily? Can he even do that? You must have read how he thinks of himself. I guess i just am more attached to him .
    Anyways, i do agree that the rape is just not possible to watch. i do skip through it. And i still have a lot to read

    Justme July 29, 2024 8:59 pm
    Just because you can understand a character does not mean it's real or reality. His character have flaws but we don't have to be nice about it. Just because he suffered does not mean he has the rights to drag a... MilkTeaAddict

    Its not that you arent nice, you are judgmental. He has been raped, he was beaten nearly to death. You cant act like he has just been through some “ bad” experiences and now he is cranky. No!!! Its bizarre to me when i read the comments and they judge him. I just dont see it like that, sorry ;-;

    ChickenButt July 29, 2024 9:01 pm
    Well he was kidnapped and prostituted, he was dehumanized. It was his life and still is. There is so much more to the manhwa. There is so much more to his character, his past, his feelings, his need for revenge... Justme

    Okay but the fact that this story is ending (heard it’s ending) and there’s little to no resolution is astounding to me, IN MY OPINION. Because I like to see resolution, not just seeing someone be raped nearly every chapter. And yeah, thanks for replying back politely unlike some people.

    Justme July 29, 2024 9:01 pm
    Also I don’t mean to sound harsh so I apologize beforehand! If there was another season, maybe I wouldn’t find it so weird. Half the story or nearly all is full of rape scenes and little to no development, ... ChickenButt

    Thanks for being nice xp i was kinda emotional, manbe a bit much. I thought i would get cursed bad

    Justme July 29, 2024 9:02 pm
    i don’t hate it. at this point, the plot sucks so bad i can’t even hate it. CAUSE THE PLOT SUCKS and it’s the same damn thing over and over again. you like reading shit about mc in pain and traumatised an... stololok

    Well have you considered waiting???? You thought it would be easy?????? For real ????

    ChickenButt July 29, 2024 9:03 pm
    Well he was kidnapped and prostituted, he was dehumanized. It was his life and still is. There is so much more to the manhwa. There is so much more to his character, his past, his feelings, his need for revenge... Justme

    I am aware there’s more to it than rape but the repetition is ugh, but endurable. I’m not saying he can escape easily, but at some point there should be some progress even if it’s not fully solved.

    I forgot what the MC is trying to do. Why does he keep letting those men touch him? He also seduces them at some times and does things willingly to provoke/drive their lust temptation. I read this in a while so I forgot.

    Can’t he make a plan without involving himself in sex?

    Justme July 29, 2024 9:03 pm
    Okay but the fact that this story is ending (heard it’s ending) and there’s little to no resolution is astounding to me, IN MY OPINION. Because I like to see resolution, not just seeing someone be raped nea... ChickenButt

    Well thats not true, i can spoil you

    Justme July 29, 2024 9:16 pm
    I am aware there’s more to it than rape but the repetition is ugh, but endurable. I’m not saying he can escape easily, but at some point there should be some progress even if it’s not fully solved.I forgo... ChickenButt

    Well he is using sex to get close to powerful men, gather proof against them and basically ruin their lives.Its all part of his plan.
    Also to me, it seems he values himself literally as nothing, so he doesnt care if he lives or dies.

    Can he make a plan that doesnt involve sex? I dont think he cares at this point. And he probably has no other means against the rich perverted assholes.

    Again, i know it hurts to see him act like that. Its just that i wont ever judge him for that. Like never. He was alone when he needed most help.
    He probably has that ingrated in him. He is as broken as someone can be.

    And he still doesnt let go, he might have forgotten he is as worthy as anyone can be, that it wasnt his fault. He is still strong af to me. I dont know how someone can stay sane after what he went through.

    :) i get in my feels for this manhwa for some reason , i feel really bad for him and Wooyeon

    ChickenButt July 29, 2024 9:35 pm
    Well he is using sex to get close to powerful men, gather proof against them and basically ruin their lives.Its all part of his plan. Also to me, it seems he values himself literally as nothing, so he doesnt ca... Justme

    I don’t think he’s really sane as a normal person but he’s okay despite what he’s gone through and yes he is strong for that.

    I just wish he didn’t use sex to finish his plan but I guess that’s all he really knows. I don’t know how he’s gonna get them all in jail.

    ChickenButt July 29, 2024 9:38 pm
    Well he is using sex to get close to powerful men, gather proof against them and basically ruin their lives.Its all part of his plan. Also to me, it seems he values himself literally as nothing, so he doesnt ca... Justme

    Someone said this and I agree: Geom is absolutely allowing these guys to do this to him. They think that they’re dominating and taming him, but really, he’s the one taming them. I love how he could’ve gotten out of those chains Anytime just goes to show you that he’s not some innocent it’s being taken advantage of and raped all the time. He was an innocent uke who is brutally raped in the past many times, but instead of letting that destroy him, he’s able to maintain a firm, sensitive self and ego, and push forward and use his trauma as a weapon.

    And I know some people are mad at ML for stepping in but who won’t after seeing their loved one in pain and misery, being raped and seeing them being raped by others (even though from MC’s perspective at the hotel, he was the one who allowed it, but still).

    MilkTeaAddict August 2, 2024 3:51 am
    Its not that you arent nice, you are judgmental. He has been raped, he was beaten nearly to death. You cant act like he has just been through some “ bad” experiences and now he is cranky. No!!! Its bizarre ... Justme

    I agree that people are being judgemental but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm not judging him, I do understand MC but the point is, it still doesn't give him the rights to drag people down with him or lower than him because ML is innocent

    Justme August 2, 2024 9:49 pm
    Someone said this and I agree: Geom is absolutely allowing these guys to do this to him. They think that they’re dominating and taming him, but really, he’s the one taming them. I love how he could’ve got... ChickenButt

    And my heart is absolutely broken for him, he was thrown into that hellhole and he managed to gain a bit of control, as much as he could. He could have died.
    But he is a product of immense trauma, people forget that. He has no regard for himself. It started with his own mom. He has never seen a good day, he was loved only by his two friends.

    I feel really bad that people talk bad about him and not his rapists. He is shamed for the abuse he endured. Its horrifying to me. I understand the rape is repetitive and disgusting, but it happened to him. He survived all that at the cost of his sanity. There is so much more to him than that. His suffering isnt embarrasing, it wont lower his worth. He has no fault. To me he doesnt deserve a single bad word.

    People being mad at Wooyeon is insane. They are too shallow for this. They have zero empathy and understanding. Wooyeon loves Geom. He isnt being random. Wooyeon held back his love cause he was afraid to be just another man to Geom. He didnt know it would actually ruin his life. He risked it all for him. And it broke him too. Its so complex and unfortunate. He just wanna love him . And he isnt some rich ceo, he is an orphan who worked his ass for everything.

    Reading this manhwa is tough xp