I never expected there would be half on team TJ and JO, but for some reason, I feel bad fo...

kori July 26, 2024 8:12 am

I never expected there would be half on team TJ and JO, but for some reason, I feel bad for TJ losing Ian, I mean, c'mon he's been there for Ian. Jo is pretty nice at first too, I saw how he really wants their relationship to go further than being friends with Ian (based on that chapter after Jo has his first night with Ian).

I do have some thoughts, that this is a love triangle, and when I finished the chapters, I was right. For some reason, I thought Jo was the main character but he's ‘one’ of the main charachters here.

Jo, he's sincere towards Ian. Seeing how he really wants to have more nights with Ian before.

TJ, on the other hand, it's not just ‘he's been there for Ian before’ yes he was, but he wasn't just there for Ian, Ian was also there for him before. Seeing their chemistry, it's honestly surprising.

+ Sad to see it's a love triangle between the two, who knows who Ian will end up with? Only the author knows. But I hope it won't disappoint us, especially for those people who have ‘teams’ going on between Jo and TJ

    Plumy July 26, 2024 12:19 pm

    Tj and Ian have deep history but the flashback give perspective on how they lack. Sure tj was there but he also wasn't because he cared more on his desire rather than just Ian well being. Even with what we see it just backtracks because in the end he still did a lot of shit to Ian to make him stay regardless of what Ian wanted. Half the stuff that happen is the result of tj putting Ian there in the first place. Ian despite him being the one troubled and the one in need, still comforted tj rather than tj comforting him. If tj loses Ian that's all on him

    ChickenButt July 26, 2024 2:36 pm

    The only thing that causes some sort of drift is the lack of their relationship definition. Ian definitely wanted to be with TJ exclusively but seeing how homophobic the gang world is and how TJ wants to stick in the gang world (even if it’s for Ian, idk how they’re gonna manage that gang life where Ian doesn’t want to be in), he probably gave up somewhat.

    Unless TJ initiates a defined relationship, I don’t see much happening…