Honestly, agreed. Cassian is just being a protective brother since the dad is not there to chase away the flies. Cassian just wants to make sure that his beloved sister marries a good man and so far, Nox didn't show him to be a good man. Nox may have been treating Astel well when Cassian is not there, but the point is, Cassian himself hasn't seen Nox being a good bf, much less, a good future-husband. Not to mention, Nox hasn't apologize to Cassian for his rude and cold behavior before he found out about them being siblings.
In some countries, you need the permission of the girl's family to marry or at least the authority of the household. In this case, it's Cassian since he is the oldest in their family now with both parents gone. If you want to marry, most expectation is that you should get along with the spouse's family too. All Nox needs to do is apologize and actually try to hang out with Cassian more to show his good side like he did with Astel.
I can also understand Cassian's worry for Astel when the only man she had a romantic interest in so far is the duke. She has no experience with love and realistically, most people don't end up with their first love. I was the same way when my sisters were dating. I would constantly worry "Will this last?". Sure enough, they went through more than 3 relationships at least...I think, because I only met 3 from my older sister's side while I heard many stories from my little sister so I would say she went through at least 4. And majority of them didn't end well (my little sister actually committed self harm from it so yeah, I can't blame Cassian for being protective.) My older sister finally met a good man, got married, and now has a son. My little sister is currently in a relationship with someone and seems to be serious about this one this time, because she finally introduced him AND his family to our family, unlike her past relationships.

Thank you.
I wish people would stop assuming the idea that a sibling being overprotective for their own siblings is somehow gross or weird. It's pretty normal in a lot of Asian cultures. At least in my culture, it emphasize that older siblings need to look after the younger siblings when the adults are not there due to both parents having to work. This helps siblings bond with each other more like how me and my sisters and brother get along because we take care of each other. We try to help each other out, especially if the other is younger.

But NOW Nox knows they are siblings but I don't see no apology. Even if he didn't know at first, but now that he does, he could at least show some good will by apologizing for his cold behavior. That would be a good start to get on the brother's good side. Just because you didn't know before doesn't mean you can just brush off being a dick when you do know.
I too would act like Cassian if Nox did that to me.
I keep seeing the comments that Cassian is disgusting for not allowing Astel to be with the person that she loves. I guess you guys forgot how rude Nox is when he still doesn't know that Cassian is Astel's brother. He has a lot of chances to APOLOGIZE for what he has done but NO~ He tries to be kind in a blink of an eye.
In reality, I wouldn't want a person like that to be with the people I treasure. He does that to me, he would also do that to anybody if he thinks they're a nuisance.
Please don't be a freaking color blinded person when you see a guy being kind
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