
fellaine July 26, 2024 2:26 am

Read the first chapters, even going as far as skimming through the others, it's blatant Stockholm syndrome. I don't know why some people will lable this as love, it's not, it's sick psychological illnesses is what it is. Kidnapping and threatening him on the first day to draw porn so that he can get erect was literally the whole introduction of their relationship, continues on to him basically getting raped because what standing does he have to even reject him, the power dynamics are not it, and that was literally the plot for awhile. I don't care what sort of character development that guy gets, it's sick, it's even more horrid that he ends up with his abuser.

    Beau July 27, 2024 2:25 pm

    Bestie, just have a look at the comment section of many BLs, they are full of grapist apologists. But 'he has trauma', but 'he has character development and now regrets everything', but 'he has some sob story', but 'he is so hot', but 'his eyes now are so full of love', but 'they are so cute together' and many other blah blah blah.

    fellaine July 27, 2024 2:36 pm
    Bestie, just have a look at the comment section of many BLs, they are full of grapist apologists. But 'he has trauma', but 'he has character development and now regrets everything', but 'he has some sob story',... Beau

    I know, honestly more horrific. At least this one is fictional, I can call it out, but those are real people with a brain, who spent time and effort typing those, very concerning.

    Not Your Friend July 30, 2024 5:55 pm

    Waa waa boohoo it’s a fucking fantasy comic get over yourself

    rocher July 30, 2024 9:40 pm
    Waa waa boohoo it’s a fucking fantasy comic get over yourself Not Your Friend


    fellaine July 31, 2024 1:40 pm
    Waa waa boohoo it’s a fucking fantasy comic get over yourself Not Your Friend

    honestly, seeing as this is the only coherent argument you can come up with, I can see why you like this. Perhaps reading something more educational, or something as simply touching grass will help you accumulate more braincells for thinking in a more logical way. I wish your mental health well.

    fellaine July 31, 2024 1:40 pm
    TELL EM rocher

    this reply is too pathetic to be honest

    Beau July 31, 2024 3:57 pm
    this reply is too pathetic to be honest fellaine

    just don't give a f*ck about them :D

    fellaine July 31, 2024 4:10 pm
    just don't give a f*ck about them :D Beau

    it's ok, I reply for fun sometimes. It's entertaining to call out pathetic things once in awhile.

    Not Your Friend August 2, 2024 6:12 am
    honestly, seeing as this is the only coherent argument you can come up with, I can see why you like this. Perhaps reading something more educational, or something as simply touching grass will help you accumula... fellaine

    More like I ain’t give a fuck about whatever high horse shit you’re on right now, nobody gives a fuck, if anyone did this manhwa wouldn’t be half as popular as it is. You don’t like it but you read through it enough to comment on it. You, sitting here on this FREE manga website (illegal btw for all of us) to be sitting here telling me to go read something educational or go touch grass is really hilarious. What a comedian. We’re all here to get our separate kicks with our preferred manga, and you feel the need to give your superior opinion. ALSO, I know for a fact you haven’t paid to read the other two seasons of this so you, in fact, know shit about shit. But thank you for stopping by to drop an opinion nobody gives a flying fuck about

    fellaine August 2, 2024 6:59 am
    More like I ain’t give a fuck about whatever high horse shit you’re on right now, nobody gives a fuck, if anyone did this manhwa wouldn’t be half as popular as it is. You don’t like it but you read thro... Not Your Friend

    This is hilarious. A comment section or a "review" so to say, is there for a reason? For people to put in opinions, whether they hold any importance or not doesn't matter initially. This is my personal take and observation, whether you like rape porn or not is not of my concern, clearly you don't have the mindset for this kind of discussions. It's been days since my reply, I see you had to take your time to reply nonsense like, "More like I don't give a fuck on whatever high horse shit blabla etc etc" is so funny. You can't even articulate a smart response without using garbage language, so many words wasted to say, "I don't care I like rape porn"

    my kink is WALUIGI August 2, 2024 8:57 pm

    honestly i can stomach a lot of shit, but reading potn kinda broke me, and thats pretty hard to do. i dont care if its just fantasy or whatever, you think having a bit of sex and showing affection can make someone forgive a person for being abused, kidnapped, raped etc? i read potn on another website, and most of the comments there also included the users' bio's, and they were ALL 13-15. they legit included their age in their bio. and they all enjoyed every chapter of potn... so my conclusion is, getting desensitized from shit like this earlier in your life will make you LOVE reading BLs romanticizing rape later. if i showed potn to any woman older than me, she'd be terrified. so dont lie. it was BAD.

    Ina August 4, 2024 4:55 pm
    honestly, seeing as this is the only coherent argument you can come up with, I can see why you like this. Perhaps reading something more educational, or something as simply touching grass will help you accumula... fellaine

    It's porn... and you're here to read porn too... you ain't better than anyone here

    Ina August 4, 2024 4:57 pm

    The circle jerk in here is crazy

    my kink is WALUIGI August 4, 2024 9:44 pm
    It's porn... and you're here to read porn too... you ain't better than anyone here Ina

    i definitely am not but still doesnt mean i didnt feel like shit reading this

    MiraculousJianyi August 4, 2024 10:26 pm

    The beginning is a rough read I admit but they do develop a bond of mutual respect and trust. Nakyum reads him like a book and essentially tames him. Id like to say the beginning is bad and the middle to end is very sweet, tragic but still romantic. I haven’t been able to find romance in any BLs lately and I was really surprised to find it at all in this one.

    fellaine August 5, 2024 9:28 am
    It's porn... and you're here to read porn too... you ain't better than anyone here Ina

    I'm not here to read porn. I read this a few years ago when it just came out, and was a big fuss on the internet. I was curious was the fuss was about and wanted to see for myself, but it turned out to be something very, yeah.

    fellaine August 5, 2024 9:29 am
    The beginning is a rough read I admit but they do develop a bond of mutual respect and trust. Nakyum reads him like a book and essentially tames him. Id like to say the beginning is bad and the middle to end is... MiraculousJianyi

    It's just horrific to me that something like that needed to happen in the first place, I do read dark things, but to romanticize said dark things and cover it up with development doesn't sit well. Nakyum is a victim, I didn't like how he ended up with his abuser. That's about it.

    fellaine August 5, 2024 9:35 am
    The circle jerk in here is crazy Ina

    your only defense being assuming that everyone's here to read deranged porn like yourself and calling people jerks is cute.

    my kink is WALUIGI August 6, 2024 6:35 pm
    The beginning is a rough read I admit but they do develop a bond of mutual respect and trust. Nakyum reads him like a book and essentially tames him. Id like to say the beginning is bad and the middle to end is... MiraculousJianyi

    i'm only going to say this bc i dont wanna keep on adding to this thread... but there were PLENTY of moments after this "development" which gave me the ick. i know this happens in a time where abuse and domestic violence is not as frowned upon as it is now, but it just does NOT excuse how seungho hid a LOT from him, threatened his older sister to kill her if she steps inside his residence again, keeps a secret the fact that she sent him letters multiple times etc. im sorry but this is not right. and bro okay, you talk about mutual trust and respect, but for the most of the webtoon, i didnt see that. especially from seungho. not to mention how creepy it is to say that nakyum "tamed" seungho. all in all, if seungho was some very ugly dude or older, im sure no one would find this romantic. or if nakyum was a woman. or if seungho was nakyum's creepy ass farmer neighbor, keeping him caged in his little hut

    MiraculousJianyi August 7, 2024 10:06 am
    i'm only going to say this bc i dont wanna keep on adding to this thread... but there were PLENTY of moments after this "development" which gave me the ick. i know this happens in a time where abuse and domesti... my kink is WALUIGI

    I didn’t think calling it “taming” a beast would be such a creepy thing to say but alright… I feel like you looked over the part where I said middle to the end. The beginning was f*cked up that’s all I really had to say. It seemed as though the writer half way through realized they wanted Seungho to be nice all of a sudden which we can thank for poor writing. I guess I should have worded it more critically. Seungho lying was before he realized he cared more about Nakyum not fearing him. Probably not wanting to reveal he had been lying even moreso because he finally realized. I think him lying makes the development realistic. At this point he is still trying to be better about his temper but still fears those he cares about will either leave or be taken from him. I had just finished the manwha when I wrote that comment and that was coming from someone fawning over the last chapters. I would rate the whole thing 2/10 and the middlish to end an 7/10. 10/10 without the grape and physical abuse :)