To be honest both of them are servant the top was just doing his job for the king and thei...

Win July 26, 2024 1:35 am

To be honest both of them are servant the top was just doing his job for the king and their people, the story is not yet very clear well, but the bottom should truly also investigate both side than pick one side, I know the sorrow and mourn feeling of losing your family still hold deep on him, but I think if someone just one person could tell him that a weapon only do it's job when the owner told it to wield or kill. They're not the main point, the main point is the one whose holding and saying instructions. :[ I hope all this misunderstanding and immature thinking of the bottom will upgrade to something good soon <3

    MadReader July 26, 2024 2:16 am

    I definitely agree. That's why I'm not jumping on the bandwagon and eager for Yongjo to kill him. We've already given a glimpse that he was ordered to go what he did for the greater good. Personal feelings aside, he was just doing what he was told while making somwthing out of himself since he was cast out by his father. Unfortunately, he had to do it by killing Yonjo's family. No one is justified. It's just an Unfortunate thing as this sort of political game and manipulation have been around since the beginning of mankind. No matter your intentions, you will always remain a villain in someone else's story. In this case Yongjo's.

    akira July 26, 2024 3:12 am

    totally get what you mean but i think calling yeonjoo’s plight an “immature thinking” is quite :/ given that his entire family was massacred and he was forced to become a sex slave to his family’s direct murderer hmmm….

    sunday July 26, 2024 10:04 am
    totally get what you mean but i think calling yeonjoo’s plight an “immature thinking” is quite :/ given that his entire family was massacred and he was forced to become a sex slave to his family’s direc... akira

    exactllyyy even if he was instructed to kill yeonjoo family it doesnt really excuse how he treat yeonjoo at the start

    Idk just whatever July 26, 2024 4:46 pm

    wow you literally speak up my thought totally agreee

    MadReader July 27, 2024 1:26 am
    totally get what you mean but i think calling yeonjoo’s plight an “immature thinking” is quite :/ given that his entire family was massacred and he was forced to become a sex slave to his family’s direc... akira

    It was his choice to become a sex slave. No one forced him, did we read the same story? No matter how poor you are selling your body is your choice. Yes, it was tragic what happened to his family but let's not blame others for his poor choices either.

    akira July 27, 2024 4:02 am
    It was his choice to become a sex slave. No one forced him, did we read the same story? No matter how poor you are selling your body is your choice. Yes, it was tragic what happened to his family but let's not ... MadReader

    did WE read the same story… his father was accused of treason which was why hye-ryang was ordered to massacre them in the first place and in the case where there are survivors of a family accused of treason, then they can no longer have the noble title which means they either commit suicide or become slaves (often sex slaves especially if they are attractive) back then there was no choices, because yes, if they’re poor, has no power, and is objectively attractive, they will be taken advantage of and yeonjo knows this and simply is tolerating it because he has to live on for his family… this is not 2024 America

    sunday July 27, 2024 5:04 am
    did WE read the same story… his father was accused of treason which was why hye-ryang was ordered to massacre them in the first place and in the case where there are survivors of a family accused of treason, ... akira

    LITERALLYY i think they forgot the plot