Fujoshi group

Iwa Lawliet March 6, 2017 8:51 pm

I'm creating a group on Facebook (called Fujoshi Zone) and I'm looking for people who would like to join it ^^

That group would be for REAL fujoshi's.

That may sound a little bit cliche but the true is that I'm looking for fujoshi's who know such mangakas as Ogawa Chise, Psyche Delico, Hideyoshico, Ichikawa Kei, Abe Miyuki, Hino Garasu, Sakuraga Mei, Kyuugou, Abe Miyuki, Eiki Eiki, Yoneda Kou, Tagura Tohru, Nekota Yonezou, Kawai Touko, Ike Reibu, Sadahiro Mika, Ogeretsu Tanaka (know at least half of these).

We will post about the latests updates, new yaoi mangas, our favourite yaoi mangas and mangakas, new yaoi animes, we will do some games (maybe sometimes) or questionnaires, we will talk and discuss many mangas, mangakas, sometime post some pages from yaoi mangas etc. and much much more.

So if you feel that you have nowhere to share your yaoi thoughts or reflections then join Fujoshi Zone <3 ^^

You can find me one Facebook as Natan Iliodor.

    toukachan March 6, 2017 9:36 pm

    Message me the link if u ever make one!

    Iwa Lawliet March 6, 2017 9:38 pm
    Message me the link if u ever make one! toukachan

    It's already made :D you can look for me and I'll add you. I'm Natan Iliodor on fb :3

    Shinkyuu March 6, 2017 11:55 pm

    Can fudanshis join too?

    Iwa Lawliet March 7, 2017 6:22 am
    Can fudanshis join too? Shinkyuu

    Of course :) absolutely :D sorry for the misleading name of the group xD

    quix0ticpanda March 7, 2017 7:36 am

    can a closet (not out in my fb account) fujoshi join pleaaase ฅ'ω'ฅ

    Iwa Lawliet March 7, 2017 5:58 pm
    can a closet (not out in my fb account) fujoshi join pleaaase ฅ'ω'ฅ quix0ticpanda

    Of course you can :D it's a closed group so no one will know if you join. So if you wanna join just send me a message. I'm called Natan Iliodor on Facebook ;)

    Shinkyuu March 7, 2017 9:16 pm

    Okay!.. im not yet included in the group.. wait. Ill pm you

    Iwa Lawliet March 7, 2017 9:29 pm
    Okay!.. im not yet included in the group.. wait. Ill pm you Shinkyuu

    Write me :D