binged what's available. my thoughts: super wholesome. Yes, there's a lot of talking/inter...

ope1965 July 25, 2024 8:48 pm

binged what's available. my thoughts: super wholesome. Yes, there's a lot of talking/internal dialogue, esp in the first like 15 chapters or so. They def could have cut it down bc some of it did get really repetitive as in they were literally repeating themselves in their own heads for 15 panels of a chapter. It smooths out a bit as the story goes on. But I liked the early communication, even if it was executed awkwardly.
it's interesting enough to keep reading, even with the expected tropey misunderstanding. honestly? I understand where these ukes are coming from. lemme tell you as a Regular Ass Person if some rich dude suddenly started showing up in my life I'd be HELLA suspicious about it, and I probably wouldn't let myself fall either, despite the signs. We know what's going on in Daniel's head as the reader: Erin doesn't. And no amount of verbal reassurance is going to work bc people liiieeeeee, it just takes time and building up trust, repeatedly showing that you'll be there for that person with actions. He's justified in feeling afraid, for a lot of reasons.
It sucks for Daniel but it is what it is.
It's weird that an alpha's instincts are being triggered so aggressively with this beta, and I hope at some point they go into why that is happening, bc it seems out of place at the moment or a loose thread. I'd also like to see an actual omega in this person's style, bc Erin looks Omega-y enough TO ME for me that it makes me worry we'll get the beta-turned-omega-by-an-alpha trope. I don't get how that's a regular guy, but the artist tried lol.
anyway it's cute and my heart hurts for them (end of ch29) and I wish them all the happiness.

    ravenapplesauce August 2, 2024 11:52 am

    I think Erin's really normal for a beta, it's just that Daniel Jo is kinda at the top of the alpha totempole haha