
Chouchou July 25, 2024 11:19 am

What if the answer to ending the routes is Jerry accepting their love but he defines how? Both with Eins and the twins he accepted that he loves them as brothers. But before he's been actively avoiding the love of the potential MLs before this...

Siren he didn't know about so he never feared it and accepted him as a friend before knowing and thus none of Siren's route appeared. That to me also means that the system doesn't make them automatically love him... they fall for him as they go down the story of the route... except Ilya where it was love at first sight because of his situation and was met before the route conditions. Now Eins and the twins routes are closed because Jerry has defined that love as brothers. He hasn't defined the relationships with the last two because he's too scared of the events...

It'll be interesting if the twins keep having that jealousy of Ilya now... as to whether it was brotherly jealousy or the incestuous kind of jealousy... like if they automatically fall out of love with him or if it was really brotherly love with the potential of developing (they don't seem to be aware of anything more since they didn't understand why they were feeling that way)...

    Chouchou July 25, 2024 11:30 am


    I think it this is the case... it'd have to be genuinely from Jerry's heart. Like with Ilya we know he isn't just a friend but he's too scared to acknowledge that... so even if he says I love you as a friend it wouldn't work. And previous times he's said I love you to the brothers it's been because he felt forced, was keeping up appearances or hadn't fully meant it deep down because he was scared. But now he genuinely loves them as brothers not just like or because he has to... and he's said it with that meaning.

    And maybe the route pop ups are more for 'changing routes' because his heart is kinda already on Ilya's route despite being too scared to accept it and he's not getting pop ups for Ilya

    KYO July 25, 2024 5:49 pm
    ContinuationI think it this is the case... it'd have to be genuinely from Jerry's heart. Like with Ilya we know he isn't just a friend but he's too scared to acknowledge that... so even if he says I love you as... Chouchou

    I love your thought process. I totally agree! (≧∀≦)