ngl. i couldnt get into this at first bc my suspension of disbelief was broken by the fact...

lukewarn_piss July 25, 2024 7:16 am

ngl. i couldnt get into this at first bc my suspension of disbelief was broken by the fact that some random, normal gamer dude could defeat a group of mages from the getgo in an alternate world, using nothing but teleportation magic and a blade (bc like. i just could not believe that a group of adults that grew up with magic couldn't use basic defensive magic to stop a regular knife?? like we know defensive magic exists as a basic magic, too). also mc being a lowkey sociopath didnt rlly make sense to me without context, so i just couldnt feel immersed into the story no matter how hard i tried. but as i continued reading, all the other characters/npc felt so real that it didnt even matter if mc felt like a 2D imposter.
