Uhm I dont see enough of that to say that his sexuality came from his trauma. Ian definitely has lots of trauma being an ex addict and a murder but I don't think that is the reason he sleeps with men. Ian is definitely promiscuous but I wouldn't say he's hyper sexual or that he uses sex with men to cope. I perceive Ian to just be a gay man who happens to have trauma and I haven't seen anything that would make me believe that if he didn't have that trauma that he would most likely be with a woman. Or maybe I missed a flashback or something???

I definitely feel like that started it though. Time may have changed the intensity of the trauma but I feel that he wouldn’t have had sex if it wasn’t for his trauma from being raped/sa’ed.
I mean unless he is said to be gay before the SA, sure. But I definitely feel like his trauma led him to having sex with TJ and other men. I don’t think his sexuality came from his trauma because I do think he genuinely fell for TJ, but the sleeping around, maybe. It’s not too uncommon for SA victims to react this way.

Ian use to date women, which is why tj never proceed to to deepen their relationship in the beginning and Ian knew of tj feels but never lead with it until after his truma and killing of david. Ian could've been curious about his sexuality before his assault but you can't deny that it didn't somehow contribute to it. I never said he was hyper sexual but yes he does sleep with men to cope, at least with his insomnia which he has confirm to Jo.
Most I got is from the raws but the 2 currently translated flashbacks kinda put some sense to what I read in the raws.

Idk if im missing something but didn't he sleep with men before the rape? He was egging TJ on by asking if he wanted to try it like the others guys did when he was on drugs and TJ was holding him down. Wasnt that before the SA?? And yeah Ian is a little thotty but no more thotty then the average adult man lol straight or gay. I do think he was having a lot of sex during his drug use days but the drugs definitely influenced that.
And I've read the raws but obviously I can't
I remember telling someone that Ian most likely realized his sexually orientation due to trauma (which is sad and unkind to him) and many got upset with me but looking at this and the raws it 100% possible that's the case that his assault someway influenced his sexuality and it makes me so upset he couldn't realize in a much kinder way.
I feel like many just overlook Ian whole character and thought process on why he does certain things and they just on him with no understanding. I can't wait for the day when we will finally see Ian true thoughts and see his emotional outburst.