honestly forgot this

Prim July 24, 2024 5:41 pm

Just picked this up rn and woah what is happening in the comments- had some valid points actually. In my opinion rn, it looks like Jiho has been the one adjusting for inwoo and his issues, and I like that abt him. It was very out of boundary of him to set up that meet. I would be mad too if my partner (who has no family issues) brought up my parent who caused me trauma. Also, the mom should’ve started with an apology. Inwoo’s response was natural but what he said and did after was not it bcs why would u compare two separate situations? If I remember correctly, inwoo accepted jiho despite his dislike of being open abt their relationship. But he went out of bounds by kissing him in public, they’re just equally as shitty. A lot happens in a romantic relationship but this one takes the cake with how messy they are with their relationships with others
