You know

Kimchi July 24, 2024 11:53 am

As far as I know intersex people who are more masculine presenting might be able to get pregnant or more feminine presenting as well. So this could actually be true.

    ijbolivia citizen July 24, 2024 1:41 pm

    Intersex people don’t get pregnant through their shitholes pls think a little

    Chimmygirl July 24, 2024 3:44 pm

    Intersex people are always infertile. Being intersex itself is a genetic abnormality and if they could pass on their genes then the world would start filling up with people having bizarre chromosome pairs (not the usual xx and xy) and we would be looking at the next stage of human evolution and the extinction of Homo Sapiens.

    Kimchi July 25, 2024 12:41 am
    Intersex people don’t get pregnant through their shitholes pls think a little ijbolivia citizen

    Jesus I know this is not that dumb

    Kimchi July 25, 2024 12:44 am
    Intersex people are always infertile. Being intersex itself is a genetic abnormality and if they could pass on their genes then the world would start filling up with people having bizarre chromosome pairs (not ... Chimmygirl

    No, there are people who are intersex who are infertile, however that would be the case for all. Some are infertile and some can have kids.

    Kimchi July 25, 2024 12:45 am
    Intersex people don’t get pregnant through their shitholes pls think a little ijbolivia citizen

    They'd obviously couldn't get pregnant like in the story, but that is the closest example I could think of

    Chimmygirl July 25, 2024 7:59 am
    No, there are people who are intersex who are infertile, however that would be the case for all. Some are infertile and some can have kids. Kimchi

    Most of them are infertile. A small minority who do not have a lot variation in terms of genitals or chromosomes can have children but need external intervention in almost all cases. Pregnancy for intersex people is is almost naturally impossible.

    Kimchi July 25, 2024 9:28 am
    Most of them are infertile. A small minority who do not have a lot variation in terms of genitals or chromosomes can have children but need external intervention in almost all cases. Pregnancy for intersex peop... Chimmygirl

    True that a majority can't give birth, but it is possible with and without help in some cases. That's all I'm saying.

    Chimmygirl July 25, 2024 12:01 pm True that a majority can't give birth, but it is possible with and without help in some cases. That's all I'm saying. Kimchi

    This is exactly what I said. These genetic syndromes in almost all cases come with infertility and those who can get pregnant need some intervention. Naturally conceiving is complicated and non viable.

    Kimchi July 26, 2024 1:48 am
    This is exactly what I said. These genetic syndromes in almost all cases come with infertility and those who can get pregnant need some intervention. Naturally conceiving is complicated and non viable. Chimmygirl

    Did I or did I not say that the majority of them can't. Also, that link also said it possible in cases. Furthermore, I'm not a complete moron I know most intersex people can not give birth. I just find it fascinating that if anybody on the planet can do any like in this darn story I'd be intersex people. That all I was saying.