This is fucking insane!!!!!I

Julie Sigtuna March 6, 2017 7:04 am

I'm livid. I couldn't finish that story where the uke was whipped. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK IF HE SAID SOME THINGS TO RILE UP THE SEME, THAT DOES NOT EXCUSE THE FACT THAT THE SEME BEAT HIM WITH A FUCKING WHIP TO THE POINT THAT HE PASSED OUT WITH A FEVER AND ALSO DOESN'T EXCUSE HIM GETTING SLAPPED ACROSS THE FACE FOR BEING FUCKING TRAUMATIZED WHEN HE WAKES UP. It really pissed me off that Cole was at first getting on to the fuckface (who honestly doesn't seem to give a shit) and then turned around and slapped the uke across he face for calling the fuckface scum, cause I don't know about you but anyone who whips someone to the point of passing out after they are forced to give the beater a blowjob is unacceptable no matter what the uke said before. AND I ALSO DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK THAT FUCKFACE WAS TENDING TO HIM THE WHOLE TIME!!!!!! HOW CAN COLE EVEN LEAVE THE PERSON WHO WHIPPED HIM ALONE IN THE SAME ROOM WHILE HE'S UNCONCIOUS. FOR ALL COLE KNEW HE COULD'VE KILLED THE UKE OR HIT HIM SOME MORE. That arc was too full of dumb bitches.

Have a nice day everyone.

    10798 March 20, 2017 1:03 pm

    I kinda like it actually so I feel a bit insulted. You should have read the full story to know why the seme did that, and Cole is a sweetheart who kindly teaches his former master all that he knows with patience (that I know I don't have) he knows that the seme is feeling guilty at what he done and him leaving the guy with the sick uke makes him more guilty, it is a term of punishment.

    I personally think that this part is tamer than most of the story. (remember there is this one who got drugged and one that got raped) and if you burst your anger like this every time you read something with violence turns to love. Then all I can say is you should read shonenai rather than yaoi if you're being such a turkey.

    Ps. I personally like turkey but their short temper makes me want to eat them more.

    Julie Sigtuna March 21, 2017 2:32 am
    I kinda like it actually so I feel a bit insulted. You should have read the full story to know why the seme did that, and Cole is a sweetheart who kindly teaches his former master all that he knows with patienc... 10798

    I did end up reading the rest of the story and I kinda feel embarassed by this post now lol. Sorry that you felt insulted by this.

    P.S. I like Turkey too (≧∀≦)

    10798 March 21, 2017 5:05 am
    I did end up reading the rest of the story and I kinda feel embarassed by this post now lol. Sorry that you felt insulted by this.P.S. I like Turkey too (≧∀≦) Julie Sigtuna

    I'm sorry for my sharp tongue but I'm glad you read it too

    Ps. I was taught how to do turkey stuffing and I really like it.

    Nano April 1, 2017 5:35 am
    I'm sorry for my sharp tongue but I'm glad you read it too Ps. I was taught how to do turkey stuffing and I really like it. 10798


    Mameiha May 29, 2017 6:33 pm
    I kinda like it actually so I feel a bit insulted. You should have read the full story to know why the seme did that, and Cole is a sweetheart who kindly teaches his former master all that he knows with patienc... 10798

    I wish we could "like" or thumbs up replies. Since I can't, I will say it here. Well said, friend. I really enjoyed your reply. Thank you.

    Your opinion does matter May 30, 2017 3:46 pm
    I wish we could "like" or thumbs up replies. Since I can't, I will say it here. Well said, friend. I really enjoyed your reply. Thank you. Mameiha

    thank you

    yuhi_sama May 20, 2021 9:29 am

    Honnestly i agree with you like cole was fucking annoying like bitch you are just a mere servant with bad moral values know your place