Oh no big bro has totally given up! Argh! But he doesn't look "in love" with Hikaru, so... I'm thankful for that(?)
I'm curious about the doujin! What happens in it??
I haven't looked for raws but here's the link to shop where it's available for purchase. I have no idea what happens in the dj, I can't read Japanese and Google Translate is no help.There's some preview pictures at the top. When you click the link it's going to ask if you're over 18, click the button on the left.
Thank you! Haruki did it with Senpai *screams yesss then remembers about the break up cries*
so before the breakup huh? Doesn't look angsty to me why do you play with my heart kashio! I can't read Japanese too but I need this.
His mind will be warped and he'll live out his days as his little brothers personal sex slave. Harada and Ogawa would be proud.
The tweet suggests ch. 14 may be getting near the climax and... the brothers will probably end up together......................................... (Kashio-sensei phrased it as a question for suspense but the tone is very casual I'm s c a r e d)
I guess I'll just... console myself with the R18 doujin with Hanabusa-senpai.....................