I read this soo long ago so can anyone explain y she wants to collect 10 billion gold?

Luffyttaro July 24, 2024 6:53 am

I read this soo long ago so can anyone explain y she wants to collect 10 billion gold?

    Gaarmeri July 24, 2024 7:18 am

    So, noble ladies are supposed to get married by a certain age. She does not want that, but if she doesn't she might geyt sent to a convent. However, she can get around that by leaving her family and buying her own noble title. She needs the money for the title and the cheapest one has been quoted to be around 10 billion.

    rotten July 24, 2024 7:29 am

    Because she wants to buy a noble title to live her own separate life. MC basically distrusts everyone including her family after her trust was abused in her past life and given how she knows from the novel that Deborah meets a miserable end she has decided to buy a title of her own to secure her own separate future not reliant on anyone.

    Luffyttaro July 24, 2024 8:38 am

    Ohh how did I forget that damm, maybe I read wayy too much lol
    Thank you guys