Does anyone else hate love triangles?

nazinazinator July 24, 2024 4:25 am

This is kind of a rant but whether its bl or gl I just really hate love triangles...Why do you not already know who you like whoever you liked first you clearly didn't like them enough if you started having feelings for the second one. Why the hell are you sleeping with both of them and going on dates with both of them...JUST CHOOSE ONE. Oh wait every time they choose who to be with they choose the toxic one! so Nvm don't fucking choose let me choose for you(╯°Д °)╯╧╧.

    Woody July 24, 2024 4:34 am

    Yes this is so annoying, when I start a story and it turns out to be a love triangle I drop it Immediately because I know that the main character is just gonna make stupid decisions the whole time and there’s gonna misunderstandings that were so avoidable, it’s like all the characters lose their common sense in love triangles.. one love triangle bl I hate is yours to claim, the main character is so dumb and so are the other 2 guys

    Lamamaos July 24, 2024 5:59 am


    No but actually, love triangles fucking suck. It’s not worth it to stick around when they’ve been bopping around. I almost always drop love triangles.

    nazinazinator July 24, 2024 10:26 am
    Yes this is so annoying, when I start a story and it turns out to be a love triangle I drop it Immediately because I know that the main character is just gonna make stupid decisions the whole time and there’s... Woody

    exactly i could not even get through 10 chapters of yours to claim.

    nazinazinator July 24, 2024 10:28 am
    COUGH COUGH wet sand COUGHHHH No but actually, love triangles fucking suck. It’s not worth it to stick around when they’ve been bopping around. I almost always drop love triangles. Lamamaos

    exactly bruh i hate wet sand the art was a freaking waste i might read it when i find out who he ends up with(⊙…⊙ )

    HollowBrat July 24, 2024 7:11 pm

    That's how real, adult dating works. You date a few people casually, see your compatability, etc. You don't just pick the first person that you show any indication of attraction towards. It's a naive way of looking at relationships. It's not like primary school where you walk up to someone and ask them to be your girlfriend/boyfriend and they say yes or no.
    If you're not exclusive with someone, then keeping your options open is the standard. Attraction is not cut and dry either. I bet you've had a crush on more than one person at the same time in your life, dating is the same except it's not imaginary.

    nazinazinator July 24, 2024 9:41 pm
    That's how real, adult dating works. You date a few people casually, see your compatability, etc. You don't just pick the first person that you show any indication of attraction towards. It's a naive way of loo... HollowBrat

    No that is not " real adult dating" That's how you go on about dating people which I find disgusting. If I if I like someone and then suddenly start crushing on someone else clearly the first person was not enough for me to start liking someone else so why even lead the first person on? To start crushing on someone I personally have to get closer to them like they have to be at least close friends with me first .Its not oh hey this person is attractive now I want to date them! so I'm confused on how I would even find the opportunity to start crushing on multiple different people. Anyway my point is If start liking someone then I put my full heart into liking them you may not do that and that's fine but ,who the hell are you to say that not wanting to date a few people causally and pretty much not keeping my options open is a naïve thing to do? You don't get to tell others how they get to go on about relationships or the ways they go on about pursuing relationships is wrong because not everybody feels the way you do. I hope reading this helps you stop spewing half-assed advice and realize that not everyone feels and thinks the same way you do.(╯°Д °)╯╧╧