Kyary Leigh July 24, 2024 4:07 am

I don't remember much since it's around 2019-2021 since I have read that. I also only read like 3 chapters more or less.

I can say it's a:
- Manga (yes, the japanese, black and white)
- Shoujo (most likely)
- (Not sure) The heroine came from a province(?), came to the city, and went to this nice school where she met her childhood friend guy or she just met a guy who happens to be popular at school or maybe he's a singer/idol/actor idk.
- Idk if she purposely went there to see the (childhood?) friend or it's just a coincidence. Although I do think she followed the guy.
- I think they met outside the gate of the school or outside in general or there's a car involved(?).
- It's a manga around 2019-2021 at most (still could be wrong)
- Typical, you meet a handsome guy type of thing shoujo manga
- I actually like the art. It's not the 2010 type of drawing (although there are good drawings at that time, but u know what I mean)
