
JuliuszDauniusz July 24, 2024 3:18 am

Artstyle is shit compared to og artist tbh, dialogues feel forced and stiff af also the artstyle omg they look so stiff like puppets not people there is no motion in their movements skipped most of it and I'm glad, why didn't they let the og artist finish it if it was only 8 more chapters or idk at least hire somebody competent? With a competent artist they could have been continuing the series further and now what? We got forced, rushed, bad quality ending. Thanks for nothing

    quinnea July 24, 2024 3:23 am

    Omfg, stfu. You're one of the reasons why artists think their art is shit. True fans are happy that this is back but you critique the artstyle? We dont need ungrateful assholes like you in this journey, get the fuck away

    raya. July 24, 2024 3:24 am

    don’t read it then? you complain so much but no one’s forcing u to read it in the first place plus u act like u payed to read it when ur here reading it for free like the rest of us and expect a high quality translation

    quinnea July 24, 2024 3:26 am

    As for the dialogues, there are more works that are published with more trashy translations. Learn Korean and translate the raws if you're discontented with it. GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM US, YOU UNGRATEFUL PIECE OF SHIT

    Lunox July 24, 2024 3:35 am

    iirc the og artist HAD to leave because the manhwa community in kr and intl found their problematic art with pedophilia/lolicon, got cancelled SO BAD and the backlash was real it reached the company. it took so many years of hiatus to get here so stfu and eat your food.

    JuliuszDauniusz July 24, 2024 9:31 pm

    And the mission to make people shit themselves in the internet is completed once again, I respect ur opinions but ig I can't get the same treatment just bc mine is different and I am the problem? Art is subjective, think about that

    quinnea July 25, 2024 1:28 am
    And the mission to make people shit themselves in the internet is completed once again, I respect ur opinions but ig I can't get the same treatment just bc mine is different and I am the problem? Art is subject... JuliuszDauniusz

    Your opinion isnt even a respectable opinion. You are THE problem. All you did was be ungrateful. People dont like ungrateful people. If all you do is yap nonsense just coz your dissatified, it'll backfire. You're in the wrong here. If you dont like what was presented after years of hiatus, shut the fuck up and leave.

    quinnea July 25, 2024 1:34 am
    And the mission to make people shit themselves in the internet is completed once again, I respect ur opinions but ig I can't get the same treatment just bc mine is different and I am the problem? Art is subject... JuliuszDauniusz

    Yes, art is subjective. That's why they critic it harshly. But you don't get to say who's competent or not. Even professionals don't say that one's art is incompetent because they know what it could make them feel if the same dialogues are said to them. Desperation leads to wrong decisions, that's true. It seems that the author might be desperate for their novel to be adapted, maybe that's why they chose this artist. But that choice helps both of them. You saying incompetent not only attacks the artist but also the author and company that's handling this manhwa. Again, shut the fuck up and leave.

    JuliuszDauniusz July 26, 2024 1:09 am
    Yes, art is subjective. That's why they critic it harshly. But you don't get to say who's competent or not. Even professionals don't say that one's art is incompetent because they know what it could make them f... quinnea

    So I can have an opinion but I can't share it if it's not positive? Girl what me saying the art is shit and that artist is incompetent is solely my opinion and u can't tell me if I am allowed to have it or not also about the thing that I am "ungratefull" what girl stop parenting to random people, I would prefere the story to be unfinished, than to have bad artstyle, bad dialogues and be rashed and again it is my opinion and I am allowed to have it, u can't strip me of a right to have and share my opinion, if you disagree with me than maybe you should stfu and scroll away byeee