
No_more_drty_deeds July 23, 2024 10:16 pm

I feel like I read a different story compared to the comments. Our cute little Mc acted super weird towards the ml. Imagine a guy comes up to you and is clearly super into you even though you have no memory of ever meeting him. The Mc is sweet but he is absolutely hyper fixated on someone he talked to exactly one time. To the point that he went to the same college and club to meet him again. I find it a lot weirder why the ML is suddenly into him though? We have seen them barely interact on a surface level and now he went “oh wait actually he is totally different to aaaall the other people who were interested in me”
Sorry the artstyle is great but the story is barely reaching the level of fan fictions.

    donghyuk July 23, 2024 10:22 pm

    10000000000% agree

    bsauzg February 25, 2025 6:25 am

    Nailed it. You really have to turn off your brain when reading this