Uh … girl

ILOVEU July 24, 2024 12:24 am

Can she just like get off hiatus and actually post the chapter and not the side stories like you know dang well nobody want those side stories anymore .. like the side stories are just Straight porn I would like a little short, maybe like one word sentence and she could be like I’m OK And by the way, this is just my opinion

    Icyy July 23, 2024 10:33 pm

    What??? It’s her story, let her do whatever she want with it lmaooo??

    ILOVEU July 23, 2024 10:37 pm
    What??? It’s her story, let her do whatever she want with it lmaooo?? Icyy

    Im not saying she has to come back but it has been like what sense april and it’s now july and we want a story not a side chapter..

    ILOVEU July 23, 2024 10:40 pm
    Im not saying she has to come back but it has been like what sense april and it’s now july and we want a story not a side chapter.. ILOVEU

    And it’s like what 10 pages and we have a to wait a week or 3 for just 10 pages I’m just being honest here

    SugarySugar July 23, 2024 11:07 pm

    bro what? All authors go on hiatus. Many of them go on hiatus for like 6+ months, this is nothing. She's literally taking a break, and will continue the story when she's ready to. Be grateful we're getting anything at all. Most authors won't give side stories during their hiatus.

    ILOVEU July 23, 2024 11:17 pm
    bro what? All authors go on hiatus. Many of them go on hiatus for like 6+ months, this is nothing. She's literally taking a break, and will continue the story when she's ready to. Be grateful we're getting anyt... SugarySugar

    True but I feel like 3 or 4 weeks to wait on a chapter with only 10 pages is a break to me thought and yes some Artist don’t give us side story’s Because I’ve been reading stories since like 2019 I just feel like she should give us a date when she’s gonna be back like she used to do, but I guess like she doesn’t have to do that anymore. I am grateful for the side Stories. Like I said in the beginning, we only get 10 pages and we have to wait like four weeks for 1 chapter with 10 pages is crazy to me still.

    aya July 23, 2024 11:18 pm
    And it’s like what 10 pages and we have a to wait a week or 3 for just 10 pages I’m just being honest here ILOVEU

    are you being fr now? writing even one chapter is a lot of work. from the layout, the drawing, even with colors at that, it takes a lot of time and effort to create something like this. you saying that seems like you're neglecting the hardwork the author puts in this story. and another thing, author has a life outside of writing. they could be busy with stuff that we don't know about. they're creating something for us to be entertained and you're here whining for a damn update. the fact that you are reading this for free is enough to be grateful for. damn we're even lucky they're trying to quench our thirst by making some side stories, the main story could really take a while since it is important to them. have some decency.

    aya July 23, 2024 11:19 pm
    bro what? All authors go on hiatus. Many of them go on hiatus for like 6+ months, this is nothing. She's literally taking a break, and will continue the story when she's ready to. Be grateful we're getting anyt... SugarySugar

    right, this person is even reading this for free and not contributing a single penny to the author and still be rude and lack some fucking human decency.

    ILOVEU July 23, 2024 11:21 pm
    are you being fr now? writing even one chapter is a lot of work. from the layout, the drawing, even with colors at that, it takes a lot of time and effort to create something like this. you saying that seems li... aya

    You only think I’m crazy because it’s my opinion and I’m being brutally honest about it so I really don’t care what I’m saying. I’m just saying my own opinion and I’ll be honest. Yes I know it takes time to write stories cause I write stories and I have Wrote A story before so yes I know it takes a long time and we’re all for free so don’t Say I should be happy that I’m reading stories for free. I’m very happy to read stories for free. I never said I wasn’t happy about it. I’m just saying. It takes a long time just to get one chapter with 10 pages anybody would defend the story just because of the artist and their previous work which is crazy to me like Their previous stories are good. It’s just not this one and people will still find ways to defend it. On my soul it’s crazy to me

    ILOVEU July 23, 2024 11:25 pm
    You only think I’m crazy because it’s my opinion and I’m being brutally honest about it so I really don’t care what I’m saying. I’m just saying my own opinion and I’ll be honest. Yes I know it tak... ILOVEU

    We’re all very grateful that she’s getting us side Stories about the other couple, but I just feel like I would love to get like some actual good storyline throughout both of them because both of the couples are very toxic and it’s probably gonna end like that anyway But when she does give us like side Chapters I do be happy and read them so like I’m not being ungrateful. I just hope that she doesn’t take so long because When she post another chapter, it feels like the exact same thing just different backgrounds or different story line ..

    aya July 23, 2024 11:28 pm

    can't believe you typed a paragraph full of nonsense, looks like you didn't read my reply properly.

    aya July 23, 2024 11:30 pm
    We’re all very grateful that she’s getting us side Stories about the other couple, but I just feel like I would love to get like some actual good storyline throughout both of them because both of the couple... ILOVEU

    you whining for some fast update doesn't seem so grateful lmao

    ILOVEU July 23, 2024 11:31 pm
    can't believe you typed a paragraph full of nonsense, looks like you didn't read my reply properly. aya

    Girl be so fucking serious You literally over to us and have some human decency because I get it free chapters and free stuff on this website Like you’re doing the same thing reading on a free website Just like the rest of us, you’re no different. Like be so fucking for real

    aya July 23, 2024 11:34 pm
    Girl be so fucking serious You literally over to us and have some human decency because I get it free chapters and free stuff on this website Like you’re doing the same thing reading on a free website Just li... ILOVEU

    yeah i'm doing the same but i'm not being a fucking rude person whining for some fast update at least some us here are being patient XDD and they said in the creator's note that they're aiming to drop season 2 this year so that should be enough.

    ILOVEU July 23, 2024 11:40 pm

    First of all, I never said you were being rude And second of all, I’m not whining for another chapter. I’m just asking when is her hiatus is going Be done and like is she OK or something? Because Usually when an artist Goes on hiatus they usually tell us why and if there doing okay or not. From her old stories, she would give us a date that she will be back from hiatus I’m guessing she doesn’t do that anymore and some of us want to know when she’s coming back and some of us wait. And don’t put more words in my mouth again

    aya July 23, 2024 11:49 pm
    First of all, I never said you were being rude And second of all, I’m not whining for another chapter. I’m just asking when is her hiatus is going Be done and like is she OK or something? Because Usually wh... ILOVEU

    i'm not saying i'm being rude, i am saying YOU ARE being rude. my point is some of us here are being patient UNLIKE YOU. and wdym you're not whining? have you read your initial reply XDD "Can she just like get off hiatus and actually post the chapter and not the side stories like you know dang well nobody want those side stories anymore .." tf you mean nobody want those side stories? some of us are here for it. your first reply struck some of us in a rude way that's why some replied to your comment, can't you see it? and people change over the span of years, they might have some reasons why they're not telling us the exact date when they're gonna be back from hiatus so don't expect that it's gonna be the same. you're the one putting words in your own mouth :3

    ILOVEU July 24, 2024 12:00 am

    No, you exactly said I’m not being rude here and yes I know that some of the artist can’t tell us or don’t feel comfortable enough telling us why they’re going on Hiatus I just wanna know if they’re OK is my only concern and if u wanna say I’m whining because I want more chapters. I literally just said I’m just tired of the side stories.because it’s literally just fucking porn with no plot just porn which is fine to some people But like I don’t care about waiting for like a long hiatus cause I have done that before, but Just give us like a page and she could be like I’m OK or something and I never said I wanted her to get off it is I just wanna know how long the hiatus is gonna be for I think you should reread my comment and what I said and maybe look in the mirror and really think about it I just wanna know if the artist OK and how long this hiatus is gonna be for so I could just come back and read the side stories

    ILOVEU July 24, 2024 12:01 am
    No, you exactly said I’m not being rude here and yes I know that some of the artist can’t tell us or don’t feel comfortable enough telling us why they’re going on Hiatus I just wanna know if they’re O... ILOVEU

    This whole thing is funny to me now because like you think I’m whining over it and you calling me rude it’s funny to me.Because we’re both being rude here Yeah, really over hyping this story because the artist is popular And I love the artist I love BJ Alex But if she wasn’t popular, yeah, would not hype the story up

    ILOVEU July 24, 2024 12:05 am

    Was I being a dick about it yes but I don’t care We are both rude :3

    ILOVEU July 24, 2024 12:11 am
    Was I being a dick about it yes but I don’t care We are both rude :3 ILOVEU

    And I’m a say it again I was just saying, my honest opinion I was never saying you had to agree with it. I didn’t know that somebody was maybe was gonna not agree with it. I just wanted to say my own opinion

    aya July 24, 2024 12:12 am

    i am flabbergasted, i don't even know if you understood what i'm putting here. T_T because some of your words aren't really matching my reply LOL maybe you're the one who should reread my comment. and how come you're tired of the side stories, there are literally only 3 chapters of side stories released since the end of season 1. and the author clearly didn't stated the exact date, what more do you want LOL it is safe to assume that they are alright because if something big happened i am sure that they're gonna let the readers know. and the author is known for writing some p*rn, if you are a reader of this author for so long you should have know this by now. if you're getting tired of the story and it isn't a cup of your tea, then just dropped it instead of being rude in the comments. i really hope you take your time understanding this because it seems like you're having a hard time to do so. if you still didn't then i'm not gonna waste time to explain because you clearly lack reading comprehension.