Novel tidbits if y’all interested: The whole restaurant scene was much more stealthy th...

Heairt July 23, 2024 4:45 pm

Novel tidbits if y’all interested:

The whole restaurant scene was much more stealthy than what was displayed and much more build up imo. Also smtn that just rlly frustrated me was sixx going for the jugular when attacking those men. In the novel it’s actually a very poignant topic where sixx has to battle his morals and the fact he wants to stay in the freaking mafia for malone. In there he makes sure to NOT kill the guys and only maims them. Idk why they would just let sixx kill guys in the beginning bc this is like a major character development plot point (but then again this manhwa is already a mess and a half I have no more expectations). Espc for a scene later on //SPOILERS

I dont remember clearly but there was a threat to Malone at that time and sixx has to choice himself whether or not he was going to kill the man despite being at that place with his family and daughter. His internal monologue was going THROUGHH it, thinking whether or not he’s worth anything to Malone and feeling like he needs to kill to prove that. Fortunately, malone gets there on time and sixx doesn’t kill him (that might be wrong bc I read the mtl ver before the other trans came out) but it shows six’s dedication but also morals when it comes to being with Malone. I liked how even through he is a vicious werewolf, he still doesn’t like hurting people. Idk I just rlly liked that scene, a shame a shame

    SporkMuffin July 23, 2024 5:56 pm

    I haven't read the novel, but I was confused/surprised with how the restaurant scene was drawn. I kept wondering, did Six just eat some of them?

    Novel version of this scene sounds better.

    Heairt July 23, 2024 8:22 pm
    I haven't read the novel, but I was confused/surprised with how the restaurant scene was drawn. I kept wondering, did Six just eat some of them?Novel version of this scene sounds better. SporkMuffin

    It really is, also the proportions of six is INSANE like defo was not what I was imagining I’ll vouch for the novel til the day I die, check it out

    Disi July 24, 2024 1:24 am

    Wooow, that's completely different from the Six that was mindlessly tearing into those dudes! So does he still retain some of himself when he wolfs out like that? It looked like he was out of control, and thinking like a wild carnivore.

    Heairt July 24, 2024 1:53 am
    Wooow, that's completely different from the Six that was mindlessly tearing into those dudes! So does he still retain some of himself when he wolfs out like that? It looked like he was out of control, and think... Disi

    Yup! Now that he’s older he has full control over his form (which changes waaaayyy later on in the novel but that’s like after all this mafia drama is basically settled), iirc he is conscious when he’s in wolf form so his thoughts are the exact same as when he’s human, so it’s bizarre why he’s acting this way other than “being protective of Malone” (girl you still have morals it was very much a big point that he DIDNT become corrupted in the novel)