CW: Rant comment about Yu Ai and A's relationship

Empttie July 23, 2024 2:31 pm

These people in the comments can't be reading the same manhua as me. In my view, Yu has been nothing but an amazing person in A's life, like, forever, and he never did anything with the hopes of making A fall in love with him, he never denied A any opportunities throughout their lives and was never a controlling person, he acted as someone who as worried about someone they love. Of course he wasn't straight forward about his feelings, he knew A only thought of him as a brother, so he simply remained by A's side, trying to provide everything he needed, even now, when A went to this party, Yu did nothing to stop him even if he didn't want A to go, he simply found a way to go there himself and be sure that nothing happens to him. If after 15+ years he is now in a place where he wants to show his love as it really is, I can't judge him, after all, he never thought of A as merely a brother, but as the most important person in his life. I don't think he's maliciously manipulating A at all. Yu knows the person he grew up with and knows how to deal with him, that's all, the only reason A doesn't know Yu as much as Yu knows him is because Yu spent his entire life hiding something from him. Their own parents know what's going on and they know that Yu would NEVER hurt A.
Anyway, that's my view on the situation, there are things wrong with their relationship, obviously, since they couldn't be honest with each other. But I don't think it's wrong for them to be together and I think they could be really happy together as partners.

    Itzz_A_Trap July 23, 2024 2:53 pm

    The problem is the fact that he fell in love with him in the first place, he was there when A was born and watched him grow up, helping raise him. He basically fell in love with his younger brother and that's sounds like a huge mental problem that went untreated.

    Don't even think about blood relation for a bit, what if you had an adoptive sibling who was there for since birth who came out, saying that he been loving you since (whenever Yu said Idr) I'd feel disgusting because love under those circumstances are unnatural.

    Do you have any sibling? I have a brother and I see this as me falling in love with my younger brother which is just... ew

    Dan17 July 23, 2024 2:58 pm

    Honey, by your point, Yu was obviously grooming him. That makes it creepy. And why Yu doesn't see A as a brother, A does. And they're still brothers even if Yu doesn't see it. Their relationship is borderline creepy incest. Period. Anyone can see it.

    nanigurl37 July 24, 2024 10:10 pm

    With the intention of a counter perspective, if he is using his knowledge of A’s personality to get what he wants that the definition of manipulation. In combination with grooming him for many years. The pseudo incest would be the least of any worries or concerns if he had gone about this in a more open and honest way. The way he is moving is more predator than respect or genuine care. He has decided he doesn’t want to hide his feelings, but at the same time doesn’t want to be rejected so is moving in a predatory manner. But if he really wanted to respect A’s feelings he would have a genuine sit down conversation, and respect A’s choice in whatever he decides. But taking advantage of someone’s naivety is manipulation, and manipulation is never kind.

    Saying this with all respect to your view on the manner, but wanted to pose a counter perspective to where other readers and commenters are coming from.

    Empttie July 25, 2024 2:49 pm
    With the intention of a counter perspective, if he is using his knowledge of A’s personality to get what he wants that the definition of manipulation. In combination with grooming him for many years. The pseu... nanigurl37

    Thanks for being so nice! In a way I can see the point you're making, when you put it like that it all sounds very sketchy, but... I can't help but think that Yu doesn't have any malicious intent towards A and that he was just a kid when he fell in love. When I think about grooming, I think about someone who's consciously trying to get control over another person using their feelings and their body, and I just can't see it that way for them, I also think the author didn't mean for it to be like that. Maybe I'm just naive. I agree that using your previous knowledge of someone to your favor when dealing with them is manipulative, but I don't think it's done with bad intentions...
    I wouldn't be surprised if he was just scared, and I'm not opposed to calling him a coward at all, but I also can't see him as a predator. I hope I could better explain my point of view now, thanks again for being so nice about it! I get where the other comments come from now

    nanigurl37 July 26, 2024 2:10 am
    Thanks for being so nice! In a way I can see the point you're making, when you put it like that it all sounds very sketchy, but... I can't help but think that Yu doesn't have any malicious intent towards A and ... Empttie

    No thank you!! I absolutely can appreciate your perspective and better understand where you are coming from. It would be nice if he had absolutely no ill intentions and I can understand his fear as A truly views him as a brother, and as a person who has a sibling I was raised with with zero blood relation, I think his denial of their family bonds due to his feelings hurt me a bit personally as well. Because my sister is my sister. No one can change that undeniable FACT! So I’m sure those feelings made his actions EXTRA icky to me and just a little more morally ambiguous.

    Thank you for taking the time to truly explain your perspective, I truly enjoy hearing opinions that differ from my own as I think that allows me to evolve as a better person who can put aside my feelings to listen and grow. So thank you!