Whyyyyyyyyyyy (I’m so sad to be dropping thissss)

Hibiscus_tea444 July 23, 2024 2:21 pm

It was literally so perfect until the whole white haired woman situation….
I’ve read some people say that it was to save her life and that she was ok after…its still r4pe…and even if that was his only way of saving her, (even if it makes me really mad because the plot was literally him being able to solve problems of his time with the aid of a machine from the future, so it would have been the perfect occasion of him using some knowledge from the future medical field…what I was hoping the author was going for…so the whole plot is now lost and the whole thing now looks like a average mid martial novel…nano is OP but the main character never uses it at full potential) there’s no way both the mc and the white haired girl didn’t suffer any psychological consequences…the mc is never depicted as vicious but after having his first time with an unconscious girl he’s ok? That’s even weirder than the girl respecting a guy who raped her…(but I wasn’t expecting much from an author of this genre)
I dont mind an harem per se but if the protagonist has romantic feelings for a woman and his personality is somewhat tender some of his reaction or decision dont really make sense to me…
That being said I’m really sad because this had so much potential!!!!
It could have been so good, and I loved the knowledge from the future plot…but I’ll be dropping it because the plot has been lost

    Ren July 24, 2024 3:56 am

    I see lot of similar comments like this. Genuinely curious, how did you feel about series/movies/book with dark psychological themes? Or just with themes that make u uncomfortable? Do you also drop them midway at the point where you’re uncomfortable?

    I guess i felt somewhat similar to what you might have felt when I was watching GOT when all the incest, murder, rape, gore and death of all my faves were happening but I still completed the series. I get that such themes leave a very bad taste but had I stopped the series after Ned’s death (this was when I was so done with all the shit of ssn1 lol) I would have missed 7 other seasons of greatness lol

    I didn’t enjoy ssn8 as much but, u get it lol.

    I guess my point is, u should give this book a chance and maybe eventually enjoy it again. U can still hate some parts of it like wat happened with the white haired chic

    OR u can drop it like u want lol. Up to u

    Hibiscus_tea444 July 24, 2024 3:33 pm

    It’s not about the violence…in this manhwa the murder and violence is clearly a medium for the protagonist to either get revenge or kill people who wanted to kill him first
    So the mc is depicted as someone who has morals and punish those who dont. (Which is a big difference from GOT where the plot is trying to accomplish a very different thing)

    But my main problem with the plot is that the incipit is “this guy becomes strong because of this machine from the future that helps him in situations that murim can’t solve” but nano keeps being used less and less….it has just become a average martial novel because it lost the points that made it unique….if he had been able to heal the white haired girl with nano the story would have been unique, but the ying energy girl that has to have sex with the protagonist to survive(and the girl is grateful somehow confirm that the author never talked to a woman in his life) is repeated in many trashy plots just to gain more audience….

    I tried to give it another shot reading some chapters after the whole rape situation but it really just feels like all the creativity has been sucked out…

    Nastrayln July 25, 2024 4:11 am

    Who cares! BYE!! Every damn week these comments crying about that, just leave and quit reading then!! Why all these attention seeking cry baby comments?!?!?

    Jin Woo July 25, 2024 10:58 am

    Just drop it and don't ever comeback. You crying baby

    FujoshiChizu July 25, 2024 3:04 pm

    Shutup and move on no one gives a damn

    Hibiscus_tea444 July 25, 2024 9:12 pm

    Bro I’m just giving my opinion…thats how comments work…it doesn’t really affect no one other than giving a warning to people that might dislike this work…

    ~°peach°~ July 27, 2024 5:50 am

    I've been reading this since chapter 1, and I've re-read this 7 times, just so y'know even knowledge from the future doesn't know the cure to the white haired girls symptoms and nano stated that there's no record for cure, Try to read the chapter again dumbass. Also that's not his first time, he clearly gave his first to mun gyu at the chapter they were looking for the divine physician. Also it's not rape cause he got permission from both the father and brother of the woman, learn how to differentiate rape from consensual and also, he didn't enjoy the whole thing, please send me a picture of him proudly pounding the girl Aber. He only put his thing inside and didn't even thrust and did what he need to do. I'm a girl myself so I understand the situation if you're gonna drop this, go drop dead then. We don't give a fuck. Don't spout nonsense on the comment just to brainwash the other. This type of OP manhwa is too much for your pea brain to handle brat.

    Hibiscus_tea444 July 27, 2024 8:35 am

    Bro y’all need to understand that as an author you can choose things…nano not having an alternative solution is something chosen by the author.
    And if a guy had the permission of your father and brother he can fuck you even if you dont want? Even if he didn’t enjoy it this whole thing is a (dumb) choice the author made to go towards an harem kind of plot…
    Brainwashing other with my comments? Do y’all even know what free speech is?
    I really liked this manga thats why I’m so angry on how the plot turned out
    I even read the last chapters because so many people were defending it…
    But guess what? Some shallow fighting without even an ounce of wit or use of such brilliant world building….nano knowledge of future techniques is nowhere to be seen and the plot is boring and repetitive.
    And the reason i keep commenting is because you braindamaged mf keep replying to my comment.

    FujoshiChizu July 28, 2024 1:34 am
    Bro y’all need to understand that as an author you can choose things…nano not having an alternative solution is something chosen by the author.And if a guy had the permission of your father and brother he c... Hibiscus_tea444

    Hahaha no

    ~°peach°~ July 28, 2024 7:34 am
    Bro y’all need to understand that as an author you can choose things…nano not having an alternative solution is something chosen by the author.And if a guy had the permission of your father and brother he c... Hibiscus_tea444

    Well to keep the story short, just go make your own damn stories then.... And yes I would let Yeon fuck me, after all who wouldn't if they're on the verge of death, would rather suffer pain than die. Even if you're rape you must come to understand that it's to save a person, widened your point of views. Also don't whine about the plot when you're not paying the author, just the fact that you're here means you're reading for free so shut up. If you don't like it drop it. Also your brains the one's damaged. You're the reader not the author. You read and enjoy what they make and not judge, people like you commenting some bat shits are the reasons some author drop their stories, it's their imagination and you're just being a viewer to it so suck up.