that bastard father…. grr

uwurie July 23, 2024 11:15 am

god that arc w MC and his father frustrated me so so much, not bc of MC but bc of his shameless father. i got rly emotional reading the monologue of MC, he basically at one time, wanted his father dead. but he somehow still had the kindness in him to worry about his father getting cold in the winter, and so asked him to stay with him. it just pissed me off so much that even at the end, the father did not even try to change, he was still stuck in his selfish ways. i’ve seen similar scenes of parent and child issues in other comics and they usually end with the child standing up to the parent at the end and telling them off. i’m glad that MC did that at the rooftop, but even then, he never told his father to leave. it hurt to see him crying when his father left him for the last time… even if it was practically hopeless at that point, i felt like MC still had a bit of faith in his father. i hope that ends there, plz dont bring the father back. i will die of high blood pressure.

    Sato July 23, 2024 12:34 pm

    Real, for me personally i already knew he was only for the money and would leave right after he achieved what he wanted. It still hurts to see the Mc go through all stages of grief tho

    DragonDarling July 23, 2024 4:35 pm

    Agree mc was too nice. I was frothing in the mouth, absolutely pissed at the dickhead. He doesn't deserve to be a dad

    Ari_dadweeb July 23, 2024 7:23 pm

    Honestly same I couldn’t wait for it be to over!