This story really fucking sucks now

Nik July 23, 2024 5:19 am

Its boring and rape-y.
It was better when mc had agency and way better when ml wasnt this obsessed loser.

    Veyunali July 23, 2024 6:09 am

    Honestly agree. I used to think this story was the shit before Ilay "fell in love" (quotation marks because it's really more of an obsession than love). Why can't Ilay just go one day without thinking with his peanits and muscles.

    Miwmiwchan July 24, 2024 4:27 pm
    Honestly agree. I used to think this story was the shit before Ilay "fell in love" (quotation marks because it's really more of an obsession than love). Why can't Ilay just go one day without thinking with his ... Veyunali

    Ilay is a psychopath, which mean he cannot feel emotions, so he cannot and will never be ‘in love.’ However, psychopaths have a sense of ownership. So their partners and children are their possessions, and they take care of them as such. Not because of love, but for protection of their belongings. So Ilay having this strong sense of “you are mine” is a clear behavior of a psychopath.