The idea is good but this kind of sucks ass lol

Infest Station July 23, 2024 4:52 am

I couldn’t read past where Ellen goes to the royal academy of whatever. To me, Rafilia is more of an interesting character than the MC. She was a victim of her situation and I agree with her tbh, if I was in her shoes I would’ve gone insane. Her mom sucks and her Dad doesn’t pay attention to her like he should, as well as the grandma, but she still tries her best with the cards she was dealt. Imagine always being under your cousin who has a golden finger gifted by the Goddess of your world herself and memories of a past life. Man.

    being-you August 26, 2024 9:44 am

    she was rude ass plus that's not even her real father & grandma ...

    SaySay August 27, 2024 1:00 am


    Nizze September 1, 2024 1:23 am
    she was rude ass plus that's not even her real father & grandma ... being-you

    Wait what? She's also a bastard? Wow... poor uncle.
    On the other hand I also pity her... the whole family is really way too biased towards mc. Imagine you suddenly become a duchy's princess and technically the heiress but not only you need to study a ton to live up to your new position but you can't really integrate with the rest of the family because they are all too focused in your way more special than you cousin and her beef with the royal family. The guy you get a crush on is more interested in her, you get kidnapped because of her and you're even sent to a boarding school. Yeah... hard to not get an inferiority complex with all that. Yeah, she was rude, jealous and a brat... but I don't blame her...

    Honestly I agree with op, she's a more interesting character than mc. Mc is op sure but I feel no depth in her character tbh. Personality-wise she is very bland to me.
    And a lil rant: I absolutely hate her mother's dress... unessessary af it being transparent like that. Idc if she's a spirit or not she's basically going around in her underwear and I hate that.

    being-you September 1, 2024 8:53 am
    Wait what? She's also a bastard? Wow... poor uncle.On the other hand I also pity her... the whole family is really way too biased towards mc. Imagine you suddenly become a duchy's princess and technically the h... Nizze

    well most of the stories has mc complex whether its manhwa isekai or manhwa isekai the world always revolves around them & everyone loves them that's the trope ..

    I think what show here is the reality of the society like i have a cousin whom always gets 1st rank plus her family is rich so during family function she is treated like a princess rest of us are ignored .. but how one becomes totally depends on ourselves Hence Rafilia misbehaving with others is her own fault she decided to go through that path getting ignored doesn't mean one become a bitch