The king saved the prince. It was bare minimum but if you think about the abuse and pain t...

ginaddict July 22, 2024 8:42 pm

The king saved the prince. It was bare minimum but if you think about the abuse and pain the king has suffered, that he got a moment to try and do save his son from such cruelty of the council…that is very commendable. And it looks like his gamble had worked. The prince grew up to inherit his throne.

Abel…you adorable you. You are precious in any shape or form, lol.

    Hinata 257 July 22, 2024 10:44 pm

    Maybe he had a sober moment where he realized he was being used and did the only thing he could while he wasn't under the effect of the poison

    ginaddict July 22, 2024 11:11 pm
    Maybe he had a sober moment where he realized he was being used and did the only thing he could while he wasn't under the effect of the poison Hinata 257

    The royals in this story are tragic figures. Its a life full of suffering and this king did something for his son that was not done for him. I commend him for that. And now things would be different on their kingdom.