Well a new "junior" girl has joined and in recent chapters it seems she quits the club. Oreki is trying to figure out why.. as the reason seems to be something said by chitanda. They were all in science lab(empty) and oreki was reading a book so he didn't hear anything but this new girl left "very upset" and same for chitanda. When oreki asked what happened, mayaka said "you don't know? You never pay attention" and thus nee girl also seemed quite upset with oreki and chintanda leaving together. IF she has a crush on oreki.. don't think he will reciprocate her feelings cause in multiple occasions oreki seems to have feelings for Chitanda. It's confirmed on a scene where he realises his feelings and thinks to himself "so maybe this is how fukube felt" (talking about the valentine scene on how fukube likes mayaka but is scared to ruin the present). So he likes her but doesn't want to change things "now" thus he might later (will let you know when they actually end up together or at least the manga hints towards it)
How is it so far? I want some spoiler cz i can't continue this after the anime if they're not the end game or what