
deku13 July 22, 2024 3:36 pm


    deku13 July 22, 2024 3:39 pm

    I am not surprised LOLOLOLOL, the author had always been an unhinged person ¯_(ツ)_/¯do your research first folks cuz some of y'all just might not make it lol

    Somebody July 22, 2024 6:17 pm

    So brainrot

    July 22, 2024 10:31 pm

    hey so the author is already a sick person but ur even worse for actually enjoying this

    deku13 July 23, 2024 4:43 pm

    Nahhh, I don't even wanna read it ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌ if you're talking about me enjoying the drama in the com. sec. then yes, you are absolutely right because I am enjoying it (what we're having rn that is lol). But if you're talking about the story then nah, it's too bland for my liking乁[ᓀ˵▾˵ᓂ]ㄏ I like the art but that's all. It's weird that you can assume that I'm worse for liking the story when I don't even have a single drop of knowledge of what's in it and yet you you can say that I'm "worse" for liking it??? Aren't you also the same for knowing that a person who have read or is interested in reading this story is a sick person??? How do you know?? ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Did you read it??? Cuz I certainly did not. As far as I'm concerned, I specifically mentioned in my comment that I was basing it solely on the art itself. Anyways, you do you ig(^^) if your opinion of me is a "sick person", then I definitely can't change your mind yeah?乁[ᓀ˵▾˵ᓂ]ㄏ I am sick in the mind so you're not technically wrong lmao.

    deku13 July 23, 2024 4:44 pm
    So brainrot Somebody

    Yeahhhhh(〃゚3゚〃) that's the point pooks, thanks for pointing that out XD (I am brain rotting so you're right)

    July 23, 2024 6:43 pm
    Nahhh, I don't even wanna read it ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌ if you're talking about me enjoying the drama in the com. sec. then yes, you are absolutely right because I am enjoying it (what we're having rn that is lol).... deku13

    I didn’t read it either, I read the first chapter and immediately dropped it after seeing what it was about. I agree that the art is beautiful but what drama are you talking about? You said you haven’t read it but how would you know about the drama otherwise? And you seem proud of being called a sick person which is already very weird. Get help

    deku13 July 23, 2024 7:08 pm

    Can't get help bro, I'm too broke for that thing┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌. Oh well, at least we good yeah? About the drama part, just back read the comsec. if you want to know¯(°_o)/¯ and no, I'm not "proud" of being called a sick person┐(‘~`;)┌ that's just weird but hey, if that's what you think of me then so be it 乁[ᓀ˵▾˵ᓂ]ㄏ everyone has their opinion, I'm just letting you have yours and that is me being a so called "sick person" (^^). And how did I know the drama? Because I read the comsec. first whenever I try to read something new( ◜‿◝ ) I also checked the preview pictures, not to mention that I had also read one of the author's works "suicide boy(?)". That one also received a lot of criticism similarly to what this story is receiving 乁[ᓀ˵▾˵ᓂ]ㄏ so yeah, that's how. Good for you for knowing what the story is about (^^) I'm not really sure of what you're trying to say cuz I didn't read a single chapter but okay

    July 23, 2024 9:01 pm
    Can't get help bro, I'm too broke for that thing┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌. Oh well, at least we good yeah? About the drama part, just back read the comsec. if you want to know¯(°_o)/¯ and no, I'm not "proud" of bein... deku13

    I unfortunately don’t understand anything YOU’RE trying to say but okay?

    deku13 July 23, 2024 10:31 pm

    Yes, okay we cannot understand each other. Have a nice day then stranger